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After yet another disappointing date, I think I'm
About ready to give up on love. Every woman I meet just doesn't tick all of the boxes, half of them are only interested because of my celebrity status and the other half are just not what im looking for. I recently turned 40 and I have decided that I want to adopt, I really want children and I feel like I'm running out of time. I don't want to be a really old dad so I'm meeting with an adoption agency today and hoping I can find the right child. I want them to be comfortable with me as well as me being comfortable with them.

The lady I'm meeting is called Lisa and she is going to help me through this whole process. I have already had all my checks done, including a criminal check. So today is to start the paperwork and for me to potentially meet with some of the kids. I've just arrived at the office and I'm all signed in, im just waiting on Lisa. I see a young girl and a woman come out of the office, the girl doesn't seem happy.
"I want to see my brother Lisa"
"I know sweetie and I promise I'm trying my hardest to make it happen ok. Now go back with the other, I've got a meeting"

The girl runs off and I see Lisa look in my direction, she looks upset but puts a smile on her face.
"Mr Stan?"
"Yes. Hi. Please call me Seb"
"Ok, Seb I'm Lisa it's lovely to meet you" I shake her hand and she ushers me inside her office.
"So Mr Stan, I read over your files and I can see all your checks came back great, so I just have a few more questions and a bit of paperwork to fill out and then we can go and meet some the kids If that's okay?"

"Yes of course"
"Ok great. So we are going to go over your personal details first.. can you confirm your full name?"
"Sebastian Stan"
"And your date of birth?"
"13th August 1982"
"And you currently reside in New York right?"
"Yea that's right"
"I'm an actor"
"Ok. Are you currently or will you be travelling anywhere for filming?"
"Not right now. I have nothing scheduled for a few months"

"And can I ask what will happen with the child when you are travelling?"
"I will of course be taking them with me. I have already looked into private tutors for there schooling, if I adopt a child of school age and I have also looked into nannies as well in case I have a younger child"
"That's great. And as far as the public? Will it be made known that you have a child or will they be kept away from that?"
"I will do everything in my power to keep them away from it. So I will not be making any big announcements. Obviously I can't guarantee that it won't come out but I do ensure you the child's safety is my main priority"

"That's really great to hear Mr Stan. Are you currently in a relationship?"
"No I'm not"
"Ok. And if you were to find someone, how would the child fit into that?"
"If the person I am with can't get behind the idea of me and my child then there not meant to be in my life"
She nods and smiles, im hoping that's a good sign.
"Ok. Mr Stan"
"Please call me Seb. Mr Stan makes me feel old"
"Sorry. Seb, I just need you to sign a few things"

She hands over the paperwork and I sign everything that's needed. She then places it into my file and stands.
"Let's go meet some of the children then shall we"
We walk out and I see so many kids running around. I wish I could adopt them all, none of them deserve to be here.
"So this group over here are ages 9-16. They are the oldest of the whole group we have"
"Who was the young girl you were talking to earlier about her brother?"
"That's Aleah" she points in her direction and I see her sat on her own, looking very upset.
"Can I speak with her?"
"Of course, I'll introduce you. Please don't be offended if she doesn't speak much. She is having a tough time right now"
"How old is she?"
"She is 9"

I nod and we make our way over, I don't know why but I feel drawn to this girl. I have a weird feeling that I want to protect her. So hopefully she will like me too and this might work.
"Aleah" Lisa approaches softly. The young girl looks up and looks straight to me.
"This is Seb, he would like to talk to you, if that's okay?"
She nods "can I sit?"
She nods again and Lisa smiles. I'm hoping that's a good sign.
"I'll leave you to talk. If you need anything let me know"
Lisa walks away and I try to make small talk with Aleah hoping to get her to open up.

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