An interesting stay at a hotel

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-Y/n's POV-

After getting off the bus we walked to a nearby hotel. After checking in, I planted face first onto a bed and we all started laughing.

"Guys I'm going to go to the pool." Percy said


Percy went to the pool then Annabeth went to give him a towel. When I walked out to tell them to come to the hotel room they were talking.

"...because our parents hate each other" Annabeth said


"They both wanted to be the patron god of Athens, and the people chose Athena. And um our parents have hated each other ever since." Annabeth said and Percy nodded.

"What's your mom like?" Percy asked

"I don't really know. I've only met her once." Annie answered and I went up to them.

"What? Wait is it like this for everybody? Don't any gods see their kids?" Percy asked again.

"It's forbidden. When we were born, Zeus decreed that the gods couldn't have physical contact with their mortal offspring." I explained.

"Ah! How do you come out of nowhere? Also that's a stupid law." Percy said

"I agree. Although, um...between us...I think my mother speaks to me sometimes. In times of trouble I hear her voice giving me advice." Annabeth said


"That's happened to me." Percy revealed.

"Yeah. That's your father talking to you." Annie explained

"Mhm. Think we should go in now." I offered (more like said).

"Yes, let's go."

We got inside and started talking about random things. After a while we started getting ready for bed. Annabeth and I shared a bed, while Percy shared with Grover. Annie and grover were fast asleep, but me and Percy couldn't. I was staring at the ceiling when I heard a whisper.

"So when did you discover your powers?" Percy asked

"What powers?" I whispered back.

"Like your 'enhanced' hearing and stuff."

"Oh, um today." I said.


"Yeah. It just like happened...I think you should go to sleep." I whispered.

"I think so too." He said yawning "Goodnight."


Percy fell asleep, but I just couldn't. I heard tapping against the glass and slowly got up.

"Who's there?" I asked looking at the window. There was a little bird sitting on the window. On its leg there was a letter. I got up and opened the window. "What are you doing here buddy?" I asked and looked at the note the bird was holding. "Is this for me?" I asked again and the little animal nodded.

Getting the note I sat down on the ground and put the birdie on my shoulder. The note said:

"Dear Y/n, I forgot to give Percy something, so I sent it by my father. I know you are awake right now and I think Hermes should be by your door after a little while."

"Didn't you hate your father, Luke and how do you know where I am?" I asked walking out the door of my room.

"Hello..." A raspy voice whispered in my ear.

"Hermes you can't scare me. I know where you are." I said not looking up from the note.

"Oh really? Do you?" Hermes said a little further away.

"Yes" With that I transformed the sword charm on my bracelet into an actual one and pointed it at him.

"Okay, okay. You got me Y/n. Now let's not kill each other." He said lowering my sword "Here you go. This is from my son. Now I gotta go. Bye!" He pushed a box into my hands and flew off.

I looked at the box and walked back in my room. Percy's name was written on it and there was a shield sketch on it, so maybe there was a shield in it. I left it on a dresser, went to the window and helped the bird out. After closing the window I looked at the moon, something that I won't be able to sleep without.

"Goodnight mom!" I said softly and got back to bed.

Time skip

At the morning I got up first and started packing everything back in my bag. I left some clothes, money and the box out and went to the bathroom to change. After coming out I saw that Annie was up and dressed. The boys were still asleep tho. Me and Annie talked until Percy and Grover woke up and then I gave Percy the box from Luke.

"So last night Hermes was here and he gave me a box from Luke." I said "It's for you."

"Really? What's in it?" Percy asked

"I don't know." I said

"What are you waiting for! Open it!" Grover urged.

"Okay, okay." Percy said opening it. In the box laid a shield. "Whoa!" Percy said picking it up. The shield unfolded and turned into a full circle.

"This is sick!" said Grover.

"It's so cool!" Annabeth agreed.

"Yeah!" I agreed too. "Okay it is really cool but we need to go..."

"Yeah we do." Percy agreed.

After checking out we started walking to the Parthenon. Of course we stoped at some places like parks and shops, but we won't talk about that part ...

(862 words)


Hey guys! How are you? I know today's chapter is really short and not that interesting, but I don't have much time and we can say that the Muses left me. I'll try to write a better chapter for next week, but I can't promise it. Sorry... Have nice day/night!

-daughter of Athena-

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