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"In my defense. He was the one who initiated it." I raised my hands in defense while his siblings glared at me. The older man was wrapped in my blankets, his usual sweatpants and my hoodie hung to his body.

"You fucked our brother." Eli grumbled; Aaron was next to him trying to calm him down. The younger husband held himself more composed on the situation verbally, but his eyes gleamed with menace.

"In my defense. In our defense. I initiated it, and who said he topped?" Markus had a tight smug look on his face that said everything in loud colors. I groaned as the baby of the four acted more ruthless than me when on a mission.

"You are going to be the death of me." I ran a hand through his hair, his head propped on my thighs, using them as a pillow. His eyes were closed and relaxed while we sat on my couch.

"I think that's his plan. Make you soft and follow the family name's sake." Sunny spoke up, a calm smile lashing her face. She wore her normal yellows and blacks, but with her black jeans once she took off her black jacket. The form of a silent shotgun was attached to her tucked in yellow shirt.

"What's the family name? You mean heroism?" I looked between my lover and his sister who took out the gun and aimed it at me.

I moved my wings around Markus, my anxiety spiked, and the wings sharpened into blades around his body. I watched the bullet leave and with my compromised position I couldn't block my face. Needless to say, when the air brushed my face, I was shocked to the fact I wasn't shot in the head. Instead, two battle axes were crossed in front of my face and blocking the bullets.

"You made him soft." She replied calmly as Eli let out a curt laugh. The chains backed away from my face as they moved back into his skin.

"You saved him even when the bullet wasn't aimed at him. Three months ago, you would have blocked your own face. You have grown for our brother." Eli nodded while placing his own gun, one I had yet to notice him even having aimed or even firing, back into its holster.

"We are assassins, the curse of the chains is for the men in charge, or at least the deadliest of us all. When a child is born with the chains that signals to the last holder that he will lose the chains ten at a time. Till then he will keep them till the child is born. Or he dies with them before it can be fully transferred." Sunny stated, her composure perfect as I removed my wings from around my lover and gave him a very confused face.

"Our father hated me for having my uncle's gift. So, once they died, my uncle enrolled me into hero academy where I met Ethan and I used to be in their main group. Till I cut open a dummy in practice out of confusion. I was dumped into Sidekick classes." Markus spat, his face forming into a dark frown while he mentioned the beginning of the abuse.

"We were trained killers by our father; he raised us to hate and then kill our brother. Needless to say, we adore him more than ever and would not willingly hurt him." Eli complied to the conversation, his posture a lot more relaxed. I could see Aaron whirl a knife in his hands.

"Great, I slept with an assassin who knows my secrets and the heroes. How deadlier can you get." I groaned, leaning my head back into the couch while the older man laughed.

"And while your wings were perfectly sharpened." he added just to tip the iceberg. I don't know what the hell I got myself into kidnapping this odd man. But I don't think I regret it.

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