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It had been a few months since I kidnapped the man. He seemed so cold and sure on his first night, but afterwards he would cry, a lot. I don't know why but something hurt to hear his wailing after I delivered him food or brought him medical aid to help him not be in pain. But he never stopped crying, even when the heroes called the penthouse and he was with me in the living room, they never noticed him.

"Do you have a superpower?" I was sitting across from him at my dinner table, our forks being the only sound. He was dressed up in hoodie and sweatpants. I knew he stole from my closet, but I wasn't complaining.

"I used to. The heroes found my powers to be evil and forced me to lock it away, literally. I used to have chains attached to my wrists with two large battle axe heads on the ends. I could control them with my mind, and they were basically invincible and were able to cut titan." He rambled, his hands rubbing along his wrists while he talked. I had seen the scars from the cuffs, but I didn't realize he had those from going years without them.

"That must have looked elegant on the battlefield. Could you have wrapped them around yourself if you wanted for a more intimidating look?" I pegged the question, my interests creepily peaked at this strange man.

His hair was freshly cut to a longer top with curls, the blonde prominent in his coloring as the dirt and oil was removed. His skin was tan but that didn't stop him from having thousands of freckles littering his skin. It didn't stop the intrusive thoughts of bruising that tan color a dark purple.

"I was never allowed to use them. Even if I could, I don't have the key to lock them back into my body." He grumbled, shoving a bite of food into his mouth to subside the conversation.

"I have a locksmith. He makes enchanted locks. If he can't, I can steal them both back for you. I don't want you to feel trapped here." I raised my hand to reach out to him, a calm look on my face.

"You could try, but you need to find them first, I don't know where they stored them. When I woke up the day after taking them off, they were gone." Markus explained. His eyes never leave the plate in front of him.

"I think I will. You intrigue me Markus, and I feel things around you I never had before. You are free to leave whenever you want, but I suggest we continue to meet? I feel happy with you." I admitted to the man who didn't really seem shocked with my proposition.

"I'll think about it. You have me in captivity, yet I feel more free than when I was. I don't want to go back to the heroes." He explained, his posture fixing as he sat back in the chair. His plate was half empty but that was normal at this point, he never ate much around people.

"You do that. Here let me take your plate if you're done. Go freshen up and I'll clean up here before I must go to my office." I offered, standing up having finished my own plate, I reached out for his.

"Thank you, Lucifer. Could you leave it here? I can bring it to you when I'm done." Markus took my hand, his own scarred one firm in its hold. Something about it shot through my chest, a weird feeling. That weird feeling was back, and I couldn't tell if it was hate or love. I had always known hate. So, what was that feeling?

"Sure, I'll be at the sink. Make sure you let me know it's you." I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand while he squeezed it for me.

"I will, don't worry." His smile, a genuine one, made me weak at my knees. I needed to know what this feeling was, I didn't hate it. Was that love? His eyes were bright, a weird difference since his dull depression.

"Take your time, I'm not in a rush for you to finish." I moved my hand and brushed it through his hair. I watched his face flush while I did so, whatever I wanted, whatever I felt, I knew that I couldn't keep him any longer without his wanting, I don't want to feel this and know it's fake for him.

"Thank you lucifer." He called as I walked out of the room. Tears streamed down my face before I knew I was crying.

"What the fuck is wrong with me." I cursed, wiping the tears from my face.

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