Natural Neko S/O

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🔪Bob Velseb🔪

-You always liked to wear hats and big clothing to conceal your cat ears and tail.

-But, you seemed to somehow attract the attention of a serial killing cannibal.

-He originally intended on eating you.

-But he found out you're not a human. Congrats, your cover is blown.

-He can't just let you go now! You know too much!

-So, welcome to his house!

-You're allowed free range of the house as long as you don't leave.

-You don't have to wear big clothes anymore either. He doesn't care about you being a cat.

-But soon, this house he put you in, he made you want to stay.

-He didn't want to hurt you, because he hated how your cute cries made him feel.

-So, he had to tell you the woods surrounding his house were dangerous.

-Animals were out there, and you would get hurt if you left on your own!

- "Don't worry, I'll protect you here, Darlin."

🐀Dexter 🐀

-As Nekos are mostly not allowed human life, they have to hide in the streets and shadows.

- That was until you got saw by someone on the Fourth of July.

-They called an exterminator on you.

-Oh wait, it's Dexter. The guy who likes to torture and kill animals.

-Isn't this just a fun situation?

-He showed up and knocked you out.

-Aaaaand you're in the animal cage!

-He doesn't plan on killing you, but at least his "kitty" name fits now!

-Dexter knows of his "Reputation" and he knows you'll be quick to run away.

-Thats why he added a bunch more locks to your cage!

-You've also scratched him quite a few times.

- "Aww I can't let you out, Kitty! You'll try to scratch me! Play with your dead mouse, I'm going to work!"

😀Happy Fella😀

- As a well known neko, you were quickly made a star

- Not many nekos get that lifestyle you know!

- You got so popular that you got invited to the Happy Fella's Show!

- When you got in the set, you quickly caught the attention of the main doll (kinda) himself, Happy Fella!

- No doubt you found it weird that he just went by Happy Fella, but he must just be really commited to his role.

- In the show, you were supposed to act at Happy Fella's friend who "just got back from college"

- You were super excited, just a little nervous from how much that creepy doll guy was staring so much.

- You thought he just never saw a Neko before, but that was until after the show when he came into your trailer while you were asleep.

- Then you saw the glimmer of a syringe as you woke up.

- "Hey buddy!! How about you become a 'Permanent member' of my show!~"


- As a neko you had no clue how technology worked.

- The only thing that you new was what a phone was.

- Another thing that you didn't know was about how much Neko's tails sell for on the blackmarket.

- Well, until you met Frank.

- Yes, he does kidnap kids and stuff, but, as a side job he also sells Neko's.

- Pretty high selling business actually.

- So when he saw you, you had about 5 seconds before you got yoinked into the van.

- But, when you got to his house, it seemed like thats when he got a good look at you.

- It looked like he felt...bad?

- Well he can't just let you go now. You might turn him in.

- So now like his son, you are also 'surprise adopted'

- "Considering how you have nowhere else to go, and now I don't wanna sell you, you'll be living here. Don't try to leave."

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