Attractive Villian S/O

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🔪Bob Velseb 🔪

-Honestly, he was surprised when he first saw you.

-You were very unusual, to say the least.

-Attractive, evil, and bloodthirsty.

-The perfect partner.

-He thought this must be fate. A reward, maybe a checkpoint of some kind for working for the cult.

-He expected you to not want to be with him of course.

-But he knew that you wouldn't expect your food to be drugged.

-You hit the floor and the room spun as he walked into your kitchen and looked down at you.

- "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."


-One day, you were in your house and you saw a little rat scurry across your floor.

-So! You called him.

-Boy. That was a mistake.

-He got hooked immediately by your looks and devilish attitude.

-So, he got rid of the rat and then left.

-But that didn't stop him from keeping up with the news of his darling's evil deeds around town.

-You gave him a high that not even his killing needs could satisfy.

-So now, everyday he watches you, knowing you could easily fight him off if he tried to take you.

-Sometimes, it's just better to observe.

- "They look so beautiful today...I wonder who's next on the kill list?~"

😀Happy Fella 😀

-You were looking for a new explosive device and you found a strange man walking around.

-He looked like a...doll? Weird. Maybe this could work out.

-Honestly that's what you thought at first.

-You talked with him everyday and tried to get him to join you in a few plans.

-But, after you two talked every night. He followed you home to sabotage your latest scheme.

-Of course you were no wiser.

-He's too cute to stand up against you!

-That was until you woke up in a cutesy-looking house. Almost like a doll house.

- "I can't have my new bestest best friend getting into trouble!"


-How you two met was... interesting.

-You two met on an internet forum site for villains to buy and sell things.

-You were selling weapons, and he was selling children.

-You got curious though and just wanted to talk for a few minutes.

-Those few minutes turned to a few hours when you tried to say goodbye and he got upset about you leaving.

-It seemed like he was happy someone was interested in his work.

-But you weren't. It was just curiosity.

-But he didn't need to know that.

-All he needed to know was your email address to find your home.

- "Let's talk a little more, alright love?"

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