A little visit

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Steven was on his room once class had ended and to be honest he was really bored mumbling some of his old songs like dear old dad which where some of his favorite ones before looking around and locking eyes with a light blue platform in the middle of his living room as he gasped "I hope they've got nothing goin' on" he jumped on his feet quickly and went to his drawer where there was a pink bubble with the grape boy's ball thing that he thought was interesting because they kinda looked like his bubbles but more solid and purple "She'll like this" Steven grabbed the bubble not before going to the mirror and 'freshen up' a little having his usual outfit with his light blue star shirt, pink jacket, 'foot things he giggled remembering how spinel called them really earning a nickname his blue jeans, usual poofy hairstyle, beanie to cover corruption horns, and most importantly his star shades.

He got out from the bathroom and went straight to the warp pad stepping on it and really concentrating not really wanting to get lost in a another world before feeling weightless and hearing a light warp sound before he opened his eyes and saw his childhood home. Just as beautiful as he remembered.
"STEVEN!" He heard a slightly loud voice that sounded like "Pearl!" Steven said getting off the warp pad and walking toward Pearl who was in the kitchen scrubbing some mud off the table with a really clean rag before carefully folding it while taking a long breath to talk before being interrupted by a more casual voice "Steven!" Said Amethyst, the voice seemed to come from upstairs watching the door open and a short purple gem out out of it rapidly jumping off the stairs and giving the hybrid a special handshake "phew phew! 1,2,3" Steven chuckled and Amethyst did as well "Whoa what's that thing?" She asked curiously "Oh this! Some kid popped it out his head and then ran away so I don't actually know if it's suppose to do something so I just brought it" Steven handed the bubble to the shorter women "Whoa! Cool" she popped the bubble not actually caring much about Steven's warning "Amethyst!" Pearl said a little angry with the gem's attitude "It's ok I don't actually think it does anything" The short gem touched it and it stuck to her hand but not much she could easily peel it off with some strength" Amethyst seem to like it "Thanks Steve-o" she hugged Steven and Steven hugged back "no prob bob" Steven cackled "imma go out it on my pile" she ran off to her door and was immediately closed behind her "Steven I missed you so much, Are you healthy?! Are you hurt!?" Steven giggled "I'm fine I just came to check up on you guys" Pearl sighted in relief "Have you been checking up with your therapist?" Steven nodded "Yeah it's actually helping a lot I haven't had a pink outburst for a while now unless needed" Pearl put her hands together in front of her mouth before looking at steven in the eyes with some tears coming out "IM SO PROUD OF YOU" she yelled hugging him tightly while crying steven hugged her back "Thanks Pearl" he hugged her for some seconds  or so before She pulled away "if you want to check up on garnet she *sniff* is in little homeschool" Steven nodded "Love you pearl see you later!" He yelled running off to little homeschool in the warp pad.

He was in the middle of little homeschool on top of the warp pad looking at the progress the place had gone through which gave him a sense of proudness for some reason "Steven" said a voice behind him "Garnet!" Steven turned around with light tears on his eyes and hugged her even tough she was still a whole lot more tall than he was which he had to admit was intimidating but "Steven we missed you" she hugged back "We need to talk about what happened in UA" Steven paled and froze.

"Future vision?" He said quietly "Future vision" she replied assuring his question "W-wha're you talking about" Steven started sweating "Nomu" she replied and Steven froze for a hot minute "I wanted to propose something" Garnet unfused and the one speaking was sapphire "what about the others?" Ruby said "Oh thanks Ruby" sapphire gave Ruby a kiss on the cheek and the grass beneath him started to burn and he looked at sapphire with a blush on her face "Let's go then" said sapphire giggling at Ruby's actions.

Garnet brought Steven to the house where his dad and the two crystal gems where at before Steven when towards his dad who was sitting in the couch  "So what happened in the new school your attending to schoo-ball" Steven clutched his hands while looking at the ground "Steven" Garnet said giving him a re assuring look from her spot on the kitchen "We.. we got attacked" That was heard by everyone I'm the house leaving a very uncomfortable silence in the room before hearing steps "STEVEN!" Was heard from the door "CONNIE!" Steven got up from the couch and went to hug his girlfriend then immediately after they gave a bow to each other "MY knight eth" Steven said earning a giggle from the girl " it's very important to clarify that I'm YOUR knight eth" they both giggled "Steven where you saying?" Connie looks at the others who had shocked faces "What's going on?" She asked "I totally forgot to tell you, so much happened that not even dad knew mostly Pearl" Pearl closed her eyes a little in pride "What happened?" She asked "Come sit down" she sat down in the border of the couch putting Steven in the middle with his dad on the other extreme but as close as he could get without invading personal space "So I found this thing called a dimensional warp that took both me and Pearl into this weird school called U.A where they asked us stuff or mostly interrogated us" Pearl half nodded and Steven continued "So they accepted me into staying with them but to actually stay they made some tests and I don't mean like lab tests I mean really writing and information tests together with me having to beat this weird orca men" Connie was really confused and surprised so Steven had to say the best part "So in that different world there is this thing called a quirk that is like a superpower that are really diverse and cool but they can both be used for good and for bad so over there being a superhero is a literal job that you get paid to do" Connie had a thoughtful face "Can I visit you?" She asked never breaking her thoughtful face.

"Yeah!" Steven said a little more enthusiastic "Steven where you saying" Garnet repeated and Steven flinched and turned back to his small smile "We kinda got attacked" everyone got quiet and Greg looked at Steven worriedly "who attacked you? Wait we?" Steven looked at Greg with tears on his eyes "13 died" everyone was quiet "who's 13?" Asked Pearl "He was a hero he was trying to protect us but somehow his quick was reversed in him and he got sucked into a black whole and I couldn't do anything about it" Steven started tearing up but everyone stayed quiet feeling that he had something else to say "Aizawa also got very hurt, His elbow was cracked, you... you could see his inner skin" Greg gagged a little "Wait who attached?" Connie asked as calmed as she could be thinking that Steven could have been hurt too "A group of villains they also tried to kill the other students, almost killed Tsu" Steven was already crying "Garnet" Steven said "yes Steven" Steven looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"Do you remember the cluster?" Garnet nodded quietly and Steven looked down at the wood floor "The villians made this thing, creature, monster, called a Nomu. It was horrible" Steven started crying but got light pats in his head that came from Greg and the soothing feeling made him calm down a little "It used to be a human. They did something to him, something horrible, his mind was torn apart and only my mind powers where able to even get him to talk a few words saying that he needed to kill the symbol of peace. All might. And
that he was in pain every second. I was able to 'tame' him but that was after he bashed Aizawas head to the ground multiple times plus almost completely destroying his arms" Connie gasped "It's hard to see humans being hurt especially when you are living with gems who'll only poof. No blood.no gore. No nothing." He was hugged by Connie "It's okay it's not your fault" she said saying exactly was Steven was thinking "But it was. I just stood there frozen while Aizawa got beaten up, I could've done something sooner, I mean I did beat up some villians but it just wasn't enough. Steven sighted with more tears threatening to leave his eyes in chunks before he clang to his dad who jumped a little bit not expecting it but hugging him tighter "There, There, it's okay let it out" Steven clenched his dad's shirt and sort of just stayed there he was not crying anymore but did felt his eyelids getting heavier and feeling the warm hug he was in was enough to make him fall asleep, lightly snoring while his grip on his fathers white shirt was becoming weak and eventually flopped, completely leaning on his dad and letting all his weight fall into him lightly snoring as his father patted him in the back and leaned slowly so Stevens head was not on his shoulder but in his lap being petted by Greg.

"This school makes him happy, he's making friends and he'll have lots of friends who'll really care about him but we have to be there for him, he's now fighting crime, not gems who can be stopped by just being poofed, now he really has to hold back or else the blame will consume him and he'll turn into the same thing as last time" Greg looked at Garnet right after she ended "Is he gonna be okay?" Garnet took off his shades to look at the future more clearly "I see many paths ahead but in all of them he's happy to be with us and them getting closer to his human side but he'll face problems with his Dimond side that his friends will help with but we also have to be there for Steven! He will face discrimination but defend himself, We have to be by Steven's side on his path of becoming a hero" she put his shades back on "I'm going to take him upstairs" Greg kind of lived in there but he didn't mind wanting Steven to be with them.

"Connie" said Garnet "Steven will need you too by his side" Connie nodded "I love Steven, I am his knight and will protect and love him with all my heart" she smiled "Thanks Connie" Pearl said in a worried tone but sounding better thanks to Connie's comment "I will see if I can visit him tomorrow" Garnet thought for a minute "that's a great idea" she said smiling a little walking towards the door "Watch out for flying humans" she lastly said leaving Connie confused.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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