Chapter 35

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Rose woke up in the warm embrace of Fred's arms. Instead of getting up for her run, she decided she was too tired and therefore pushed her face against his bare chest. Taking in the smell of cotton and fireworks. Although she could smell the faint smell of homemade brownies. She was still exhausted.

When she next woke up against, it was to the sound of George and Lee gasping and laughing about the two in bed cuddling. She felt Fred's hand go on her head as he moved his own head up, keeping her to his chest.

"Guys, go away." He grumbled.
"No can do. Breakfast time. Snape said that Rose needs food." George explained.
"Not hungry..." She mumbled against Fred's chest.
"Tough luck, Rosie. You know what happens when you don't eat after those potions." George spoke.

Rose just continued to try and sleep. She however felt Fred move her and grab her wrist. Pressing her bracelet. Which confused her, but she ignored it, staying comfortable against his chest.

Around five minutes later, Rose was nearly asleep when she felt hands grab her and turn her away from Fred, who seemed to stand up. She then noticed it was Severus who had moved her away from Fred.

"Rose, it's time to wake up. You know what may happen if you don't eat." Severus spoke.
"Don't wanna..." She grumbled.
"Rose, you will get yourself out of that bed and get yourself down to the Great Hall to eat. You are already Malnourished as it is." Snape spoke louder.

She just groaned and slowly sat up with Fred's help. She then walked with Fred and Snape down to the Great Hall. Rose was in her PJ's and everyone else was in their uniforms. She was in plain white pants, tight around her waist and then a cropped shirt. She guessed Minerva had magically changed them.

Severus told her to sit down and eat while he went to the Great Table to eat with the Professors.
She sat herself down and Harry was quick to throw a peice of bread at her.
She grumbled at him, biting into it. Fred was quick to let her cuddle back against him. However as he ate, he kept giving Rose little bits of fruit to keep her eating.

Timetables were soon handed out and people seemed alright with their classes.
Before dinner was Harry's first detention so he wasn't too happy.

First lesson for today was Potions. When they got to the classroom, Snape took her to the makeshift sofa to sleep.
She slept for two whole lessons.

When the lessons were over, Severus woke her up and let her go to the feast. Harry wasn't there so Hermione and Ron left to go find him near the end of the feast.

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