Wendy: Deceive us?! Do you hear yourself?! She saved us! We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.

Slowly, the tension was already heating up, five against one.

Bo-gum: didn't occur that maybe she just did that to earn your trust? She was maybe taking some information regarding our army and her so-called "execution" was her way out back to her army. Come on guys she's a lying snake!

Irene: Stop! You didn't know her Bo-gum... you don't know her! She immediately left

Bo-gum: Irene wait...

Bo-gum was about to follow Irene when Seulgi stopped him.

Seulgi: Not a smart choice of words... let her be first...

Bo-gum: Wait, why she's so affected by that snake? He said angrily

Seulgi: I am not in the place to tell you that.

Nayeon: That person you just called a snake, is the person that will be your biggest competition.

Bo-gum: Competition? Why would that be? He cluelessly said

Seulgi: You'll see. She smirked


He was just blending in the crowd though his eyes were still in disbelief, the child her raised for almost ten years, the child he tried to save was captured and changed once again to the very hands that created her in the first place. For the last two years, he felt empty knowing his daughter will never come back to him and never give him another salute for greeting, how he miss the soldier he tried to protect.

When he finally saw her, a mix of emotions dwelled in his mind and body, and a feeling of happiness, sadness and fear introduce themselves. The happiness of her being alive, the sadness of seeing her back at the hands of the person she wanted to escape, and the fear of knowing that they did something to her, that made her that way, back to her dark side, back to her thirst to kill without mercy, back to a life without freedom to call her own.

Argos: What have they done to you Lisa?... He whispered

Puzzled with all the broken pieces, how to put all the pieces back together is already a f*cking challenge.

Argos: What is going on that sick brain of yours, Yang... once again using your children for your sick plans... whatever it is... I will stop you... and I will get Lisa back... He said full of determination


Bambam is walking beside his commander on the left, while Ji-eun was on the right, and Lisa walking behind him, in the middle is their commander whom they obey with no excuses. The four unwanted guests walk the concrete floor showing their pride in the country they represent not minding the eyes that burned them to death.

Bambam: Keep your eyes open. He radios his fellow companions

Lisa and Ji-eun: Copy that.

They were near the conference room, and still, they could hear whispers around them. Bambam took a halt and ordered his sister to secure the perimeter before the three could enter the room.

Bambam: Lisa, stay here, secure the perimeter, report back here after an hour, and... don't forget to study the grounds, find your subject. He whispered the last part in Lisa's ear

Lisa: Roger that.

Like an obedient soldier, she did follow her superior.

Ji-eun: See you after an hour Lisa... She kissed Lisa's cheek

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