Cartman gets an anal probe (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

—What's a dildo?— The boy with a blue hat said
—Well I don't know, and I bet Cartman doesn't know either!— The boy with a green hat said
—I know what it means!— The fat boy answered
—Well, what?— The boy with a green hat asked

—Im not telling you— The fat boy answered
—What's a dildo Kenny?— The boy with a blue hat asked 
—It's a plastic dick that goes in a vagina— You heard the boy in an orange parka say between muffles, which made the rest of the boys laugh

—He-yeah, that's what Kyle's little brother is all right!— The fat boy said, and the boy with the green hat grabbed the little boy and kicked the fat boy with him —Ow!—
—Dude, that kicks ass!— The boy with a blue hat said
—Yeah, check this one out! Ready Ike? Kick the baby!— Said the boy with a green hat
—Don't kick the baby— The little boy said
—Kick the baby— The boy with a green hat said kicking his little brother and making him knock down four mailboxes

The fat boy yawned and the others looked at him

—Whoa Cartman, looks like you didn't get much sleep last night— The boy in a blue hat said
—That's because I was having this bogus nightmares— He answered
—Really? What about?— The boy who just kicked his little brother asked

The fat boy started telling how he had a nightamre where some aliens operated him, he kept saying that it was just a nightmare but his, what you supposed were "friends", kept telling him it was real

Some seconds later a car arrived at the bus stop and stopped, you were sure it wasn't the bus because it was way too small
A man that looked like a chef walked out of the car and started talking to the boys, as if they were best friends. He also said that an alien space ship was seen last night and convinced the fat boy that it wasn't just a nightmare after he told him the nightmare he had, he also told him that the aliens put something in his butt

He then said goodbye to the boys and went back to the car, heading to the school

—We told you they were real Cartman, sorry to hear about your ass— The boy with a green hat said
—God damn it, they didn't do anything to my ass! It was just a dream!— He said annoyed

You looked at your clock, realizing only three minutes were left until school started

—Looks like im gonna be late, "great"— you said kicking a rock that was on the ground
You then realized the boys were looking at you
—Oh shit, I said that outloud, didn't I?" You said and the boys didn't answer

—Oh my god, look Kenny! It's your lost twin!— The boy with a green hat said
You were confused on why he was saying that, and guessed it was because you had your hood on, just like him
—I have a lost twin?— The boy who's name seemed to be Kenny asked muffling
—I don't know, do you?— The boy with a green hat asked

— I guess I do!— The boy with an orange parka said —WOOOHOOO!!—
You took off your hood since it wasn't gonna help you anymore
—Oh, nevermind Kenny— The boy with a green hat said

—Wait, I don't think I've seen you before— The boy with a blue hat said approaching you
—That's because im new in town— You answered stepping back
—Oh, welcome to South Park then!— He said with his arms opened

Before you could say anything the bus arrived and you had to get in

—Why you walkin' so funny Cartman?— The boy with a green hat asked  trying to annoy the fat boy
—Shut up!—He answered even more annoyed
—Oh foonuh bebe— The small kid said trying to get in the bus
—No Ike, go home— The boy with a green hat said
—Eeeeeee!— The little boy said
—This is it. This one's for the game— The boy with a green hat said —Kick the baby!— He shouted and kicked his brother again

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