3. ♋︎ ■︎♏︎⬥︎ ☼︎♏︎⬧︎◻︎□︎■︎⬧︎♓︎♌︎♓︎●︎♓︎⧫︎⍓︎

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                   (a new Responsibility)

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Chara quickly learned that much of the day for the Kamado men (mostly just boys, with the exception of Tanjurō as he was an adult) was chopping wood together. Tanjurō had the job of getting the full tree down and cutting it into logs, Tanjirō turned the logs into smaller pieces of wood, Takeo got the branches and chopped them, and Shigeru kinda just vibed, as he was too young to do much else.

Honestly, it was kinda awe-inspiring to see the man swing at the monster of a tree twice, making it fall in such a way that not even those pesky branches would bring harm to his sons. Then he whipped out the saw and the sound of grating wood filled the near forest.

"Wow! That's such a big tree!"

"One day, I'll be as strong as Papa!"

She didn't understand half of the things that they were saying, so she just watched for a while. She watched from
inside, where it was safe from the wind,
wearing an old and faded kimono that had once belonged to Kie. It never quite fit the same after her first pregnancy.

The women (again, mostly just the girls. Kie was the only adult female.) of the family, they sewed and made clothes. Nezuko would set up the loom, and carry supplies for Kie, but Kie would work the loom and create giant bolts of fabric from hemp while Rokuta snored on her back, supported by a hammock-like fixture of cloth that Kie had set up.

Hanako was also pretty young, so she just helped Nezuko carry things around. Sometimes, the older sister would show her how to sew using scraps of fabric that the mother would not be able to use but kept for the sake of not wasting anything.

"Loom," Nezuko one day sat by her and pointed, turning to Chara when there was silence. "Loom."

"...loom..." Chara repeated.

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