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(a new SOUL)




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Do you know what a SOUL is?
It is the very culmination of your being.

No matter if you are human, a monster, or a demon... everyone has one.

A human's SOUL is strong and it persists after death. A human's SOUL is not the entirety of their being, but rather their essence, housed in a physical body. A human's SOUL takes on a color reflecting their strongest trait.

A monster's SOUL is weak and does not persist after death. Monsters believe that love, hope, and compassion compose their colorless SOULS. A monster's SOUL is deeply attuned to their body, allowing them to use magic. However, if a monster dies, then it's body turns to dust and it's SOUL breaks to little pieces

A demon's SOUL is much like a human's, but is also similar to a monster's. A demon's SOUL is strong, and it does persist after death. A demon's SOUL is not the entirety of their being, but rather their essence housed in a physical body. However, a demon's SOUL is deeply attuned to their body, allowing them to use Blood Demon Arts.

Do you know what happens when you die?

If you're a human, you become a ghost. Your SOUL will persist after your death. You can either linger for a while longer, or go on to the afterlife where you have a chance at reincarnation.

If you're a monster, there is nothing.

If you're a demon... you are forced to the afterlife where you have a chance at reincarnation.

Why am I telling you this?

Oh, just because I think you'll need to know. After all, information is very important. Ah, would you look at the time, it seems as though Chara is already waking up! I'll see you never...

𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 • KNY x UNDERTALE! Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin