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 I like the way this book shows that whatever left unsaid,

 after all it's going to come and bite you back .

In September of last year I thankfully got away from another toxic friendship.

The things following up to that moment, I can say I am not proud of.

However after all , it just made sense to end it all ,

 finally leave the past behind 

and not let it constantly lurk in the shadows of my mind,

 waiting to the surface the light.

I got away from everyone in that situation and can feel how good I am doing now, thanks to that.

No longer making excuses for behavior, that is clearly not aligning with my beliefs of "good friendship".

Choose carefully who you surround yourself with and be with people you  genuinely  like being around.  

If you do not receive the same amount of effort you put back, talk about it , see how it goes and observe them. 

They don't actually consider your wants in the relationship?


Staying with people out of convenience or out of habit is only going to do you so much good.

I grew tired and I grew up.

I am continuing to grow and heal.

I believe this book finally ends here, thank you to whoever ever read this book and took part in this journey with me <3

So excited for what the future holds for me  :)

04.03.2023 at 3:37PM

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