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am I grateful for the years I've spent with both of them?
I'm not quite sure.
But I do regret thinking that our friendship would last, especially with L.

I guess sHe JuSt DiDn'T fEeL tHe ViBe AnYmOrE
and chose to ghost us for months, without explaining anything...
oh but why would she even ?
She has other friends to care about and also a girlfriend.

Besides who are we even to demand answers from the almighty queen, who only has time for her cLoSeSt FriEnDs, wHo AlSo HaVe BeEn ThRoUgH sO mUcH wItH hEr! Right??

Pathetic. You are so pathetic L.
and you know what, I do kind of regret now ever befriending you.

This is why... I don't want to get into relationships early.
I need to study them, I need to know my boundaries, I need to know myself before I can show my most vulnerable side to another person.
Everything so that I can avoid being used again.
so that I can avoid being manipulated.
It'd save me a lot of time, I could spend on developing myself.

11:30PM- 16.06.2021

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