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me and D are friends again...
well I guess...
After we talked randomly that day, we have gotten closer pretty quick,
I guess that happens when you know someone your whole life.

10:32am - 02.07.21

I guess I realized why I was treated the way I was treated.
And it confirms another thing I assumed that D thought of me: for her - I am immature and childish, and therefore do not need to be respected, taken seriously and listened to.

Because even though she did miss me,
She still doesn't understand the weight of her words.
She still doesn't understand that some people act different.
She still doesn't understand me.

This, however was never a real problem with my close friend group.
My insecurities with them coming from our lack of affection, outside of our interactions.
Because whenever we're together it just feels right, even though we tend to get bored, it feels very comfortable, at least for me.
But we never experienced real communicational problems because, even though we got mad at each other, we still eventually talk it out and also let each other talk.

Overall I think our reunion was kind of an in the heat of the moment thing.
We can still be aquaintances , but I don't think that D is going to be helping me, become the confident baddie I want to be.
And that is okay :)

11:31 pm - 28.07.21

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