I get out of the car and look at the front to see if there's any damage. there's nothing bad, just some weed stuck to the front, and the rancid smell of weed.

"oh fuck, man!" I say, bending down. "it smells like fucking ass!" I look up to stan, who was waving his shirt to cool off. My face goes fucking red.

"huh? sorry it's so fucking hot..." he mutters trying to cool down.

"then why did u wear the thickest clothes known to fucking man? the news said it was gonna be warmer today!" I told him, watching him sweep his bangs away from his eyes, then staring at his icy gray eyes. I bite my lip, tapping my foot trying to distract myself. "whatever, let's go to the guys.."

us two walk over to Kenny and Cartman. Kenny is wearing a dirty-ish shirt, baggy jeans, and his orange parka around his waist, while cartman is wearing a black t-shirt (too small for his fatass) and grey sweatpants.

"oh hi kahl..." cartman says suspiciously.

"hey fatty," I say, avoiding him.

"so... how's Craig and Tweek...?" he asks. oh no, what's that sociopathic moron up to now?

"listen fatass, I don't know what you're doing, but fuck off. and if you must know, they're doing perfectly fine." I point to him, strictly telling him to cut it out.

"I see.." he whispers"I'm going to meyth..." he waddles off into the school.

"Should we follow him?" Kenny asks, looking back at him.

"why the hell would we do that?" stan asks, fanning his arms.

"well, cartman's being weirdly quiet, so he's probably up to something," Kenny states, hand to his chin.

"no. I'm not feeding into his stupid fucking schemes." I tell Kenny, looking back at stan "right stan?"

"oh! um, I don't- yeah, sure. can we go to the bathroom real quick? I need to get out of this sweater." he says, rushing to the school. I follow him, frowning that he wasn't that invested in my idea..

we go into a washroom, Kenny waiting outside. stan drops his bag to the floor and goes into an empty stall. after a couple of seconds, he flings his turtleneck over the stall.

"Can you put that in my bag real quick?" he yells out.

I hold the turtleneck for a bit. I don't know if this sounds weird, but as I put his sweater in his backpack, I got a whiff of the sweater. it didn't smell like weed like the rest of his stupid house, it smelt like detergent and a bit of sage cologne. my cheeks went pink. holy shit I'm a fucking creep. I'm smelling my friend's fucking clothes. I quickly zip up the backpack and stand up straight.

stan walks out of the stall, wearing a baggy tan nirvana shirt that slightly droops down his solder, revealing his collarbones and his toned arms.

"you good dude?" he asks, getting his bag.

"oh yeah-" I say, backing up, and then promptly running into the door. "fuck!"

"haha!" stan chuckles.

his laugh makes me smile, and my stomach flips around.

"fuck you, man..." I smile



I quickly get to my math class.

"jimmy. Clyde. I gotta tell you, guys, something insane" I tell them, putting my bag down and quickly sitting down.

"wha-whats up b-b-buddy?" jimmy questions, tilting his head.

"ok so yesterday I saw cartman freaking out about how kyle and Heidi haven't gotten together, so I made a comment about how maybe kyle is gay and that's why he doesn't like her," I tell them, getting into the story.

"why would you say that...?" Clyde asks, confusion on his face.

"doesn't matter. But eric took it seriously, and genuinely thinks kyle is apart of some secret gay club that Craig and Tweek are in charge of! I told him butters and the goth kids are apart of the club!" I tell them, barely containing my laughter.

"oh my god..." Clyde mutters "THATS HILARIOUS!" he exclaims, putting his hand to his mouth.

"that is pretty f-funny!" jimmy grins " want us to help convince him?"

"YES!" I exclaim "yes! oh my god, that's what I was praying you'd say!"

suddenly, cartman walked into the class, I could tell because I could feel his stomping.

"Tolkien!" he demands my attention. the three of us look at him as he sits down. "you said butters and who else is in the super secret gay kids club?"

"oh, the goth kids" Clyde adds.

"you know about the gay kids club?!" cartman's eyebrows raise.

"shhhhshshh" jimmy quiets him down "o-only us f-four know! nobody else can know!"

"I see..." cartman strokes his chin(s) "are you certain they're in this club?"

"would we lie to you?" I say. cartman gives us a blank stare.

"of course not!" he grins "I'll ask butters about it during lunch.."

the three of us look at each other with fear and excitement. what chaos and drama have we just started?


𝕎𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕘𝕠 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕥𝕪𝕝𝕖| kyle broflovski x stan marsh fanficWhere stories live. Discover now