Saving Lady Whistledown

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One thing to know about the Bridgertons is that when they set their minds to something, it will be accomplished. So when the family learned of Penelope Featherington's plans to turn herself in to the Queen, and they promised to save her, rest assured that they would do just that.

Penelope stood in front of her dressing room mirror, her eyes scanning her reflection. She wore a deep red satin gown that complimented her hair quite nicely. It was not typical for an unmarried woman to wear, but Penelope thought it was fitting for the occasion. If there were any blood, no one would notice. This was the dress she would die in, Penelope accepted. She had it specially made by Madame Delacroix soon after she formed her plan. Penelope explained nothing of the plan to Genevieve, but she could sense something was off. Genevieve had also read the Queen's decree, and she could only guess what Penelope was going to do. Tears were shed as she hugged her friend for the last time. "Are you certain there is no other way, Penelope?" Genevieve asked, wiping her cheeks.

Penelope nodded. "I am certain. Thank you for all that you have done for me, Gen. I will ensure that you do not face any punishment for this." Before Genevieve could say anything else, Penelope opened the door, her dress in hand. "Goodbye, Gen. You have been a true friend."

Portia walked into Penelope's room one hour before the ball in search of Prudence's reticule. "Penelope, have you seen your sister's-oh!" Penelope winced at her mother's impending insult to her taste in clothing. She was surprised when Portia sniffed back a tear. "Oh, Penelope, you look beautiful. That color is truly becoming on you." It took everything in Penelope not to cry too. If she started, she would never stop. "Do you suspect one of your gentlemen to propose tonight?"

"Possibly," Penelope lied. "Mama, I know I do not tell you often enough, but I do love you. After Papa passed, you became strong for us and did everything you could to ensure us a life of happiness and security. Thank you."

Portia's brows knitted in their usual state of distain. Penelope might miss that expression when she was gone. "Penelope, what is with the sentiments? It is a bit dramatic, don't you think?" Penelope might miss comments like that too.

"I suppose it is the nerves from leaving the nest," Penelope lied again.

Portia's features softened. "In that case, I know I also do not say it enough, but I do love you. I am proud of you, Penelope. Everyone has always called you a wallflower, but I knew there was so much more than you led them to believe. To watch you blossom this season has been truly remarkable." Portia and Penelope shared a tight embrace. At first it was awkward, but both felt that this moment was a long time coming. "Now, finish getting ready. Oh, before I go, have you seen Prudence's reticule?"

"In the drawing room, I believe." Penelope smiled as her mother left the room, satisfied that she was finding closure before it all came to an end.

At the Hastings ball, Penelope was met by Hyacinth and Francesca. Oh God, Anthony told them. They would ruin everything, Penelope realized. Portia and Prudence left her to them, assuming that Colin would be the one to propose tonight. "What is your idiot brother planning?" Penelope gritted.

"You didn't think we would actually let you do this, did you?" Francesca winked, linking her arm inside of Penelope's as Hyacinth took the other.

"This is Colin's idea? Holding me hostage so that I cannot talk to the Queen? You do realize you will have to let me go eventually." Penelope rolled her eyes. Why were they making this so difficult? It was hard enough that she had to say goodbye to all of the people she loved. They were only drawing out the inevitable.

"Colin said to stick to you like glue, so that is what I am doing." Hyacinth chirped. "Glue is such a funny word, isn't it?" Penelope smiled sadly, relishing in the last memories she would have with the youngest Bridgerton sisters.

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