Courting Miss Featherington

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The next day was unseasonably warm, and the Featherington's decided it was best to go for a promenade in Hyde Park. Colin Bridgerton, it seemed had the same idea as he approached their small group. Prudence was fanning herself furiously while Portia was talking her up to a Lord something or other. Penelope stared into the distance at a marble fountain. Colin unknowingly licked his lips at the single bead of sweat dripping into the valley of Penelope's breasts. As she pulled out her own fan, Colin rushed to the Featherington's tent, not caring that he was interrupting a conversation.

Portia noticed him immediately. "Mr. Bridgerton! How lovely to see you again. Have you met Harry Dankworth?" Colin nodded politely to the man in question. He was handsome, but clearly lacked any wit or intelligence. That made him the perfect match for Prudence, Colin supposed. Portia continued, "Have you come to reconsider your offer to my Prudence?" Portia shamelessly adjusted her daughter's dress so that her bosom, or lack of, was on display.

"I'm afraid to disappoint, Lady Featherington, but I am actually here to ask after your other daughter today. Penelope." Penelope snapped to attention, not realizing he was even standing beside her. Her eyes bulged with panic as she tried to make sense of the conversation. Before she could, Colin was on his knee in front of her, holding her hand. Portia gasped, throwing a hand to her chest, which Colin ignored. Penelope look like a startled horse. A very cute startled horse, Colin couldn't help but point out. "Penelope Featherington, would you do me the honor of courting me?"

Penelope looked around frantically and whispered, "Mr. Bridgerton, have you lost your mind? Please stand up. People are staring." When he did not, Penelope's face shifted from panic to fury, and she growled, "Mr. Bridgerton! Get. Up. Now."

"That is not a no." Colin grinned cheekily.

Penelope yanked her hand away from his and stared blankly at her mother. "Mama?"

Portia ignored her daughter's plea. "Penelope, it would be foolish of you to refuse a man asking to court you, and a Bridgerton no less! This is wonderful!" Portia clapped her hands together with joy, nearly ready to start jumping like a giddy schoolgirl. Colin wanted to argue with Portia's attempt at swaying her daughter, but her logic seemed to be working in his favor.

Now Penelope was angry with her mother too. "Mama, you cannot be serious!"

Portia stopped her hysterics and turned to her youngest child. "I am always serious, Penelope." She turned back to Colin and grinned. "Mr. Bridgerton, my daughter would be delighted to accept your offer. Perhaps you would like to walk ahead of us while we continue to promenade." At some point, Dankworth had slipped away. Lucky man.

Colin looked only at Penelope. "That sounds lovely, Lady Featherington. Miss Featherington?" He offered his arm to Penelope. She looked utterly terrified, her face as pale as her white gloves as her eyes pleaded with her mother's.

Portia shooed her along. "Go on, Penelope. It is not right to keep a man waiting. Prudence and I will be behind you, my dear." Penelope's face softened before she defeatedly took Colin's arm. Colin always assumed Portia Featherington to be uncaring, but she was proving him wrong.

A few steps ahead of the other two Featherington women, out of earshot, Colin spoke again. "Now that I finally have a moment alone with you-"

Penelope frowned, wanting to yank her arm from his if it were not for the crowd of people in the park. "What is the matter with you, Colin?" She gritted.

"I am sure I don't know what you mean." Colin replied, smiling at her use of his given name.

Penelope rolled her eyes. "Do not play daft. Showing up at my home and bringing me flowers? Interrupting my family during our promenade and asking me to court you? I thought you many things, Mr. Bridgerton, but I did not think you were cruel."

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