Reconciling and Reconsidering

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The very next day, after an early trip to the florist, Colin Bridgerton marched to the door of the Featherington home. With a bouquet of zinnias and lily of the valley to represent all the things he could not put into words, Colin prepared a heartfelt apology. He was determined to set this right.

"Mr. Bridgerton!" Colin did not expect Portia Featherington to open the door. He couldn't say that he was fond of the woman, but she was the mother of his dearest friend, so she couldn't be all bad. "Are you not supposed to still be in Italy? Oh, have you cut your trip short to find a wife? My Prudence would make a lovely bride, Mr. Bridgerton. Do come in. I will get her for you. Prudence!" Portia, ever the fish wife, shouted after her eldest daughter who nearly fell face forward as she rapidly descended the stairs.

"Yes, Mama?" Prudence asked, smoothing her dress and hair and pushing out what little bosom she had.

"No!" Colin finally objected. "Mrs. Featherington, with all due respect, I am not here to propose to Miss Featherington."

"You're not?" Both women pouted.

"No. I am here to call upon Pen-" Colin glanced to the top of the stairs where Penelope had been trying to remain hidden. "Penelope!" She looked fetching in her soft purple morning dress, Colin declared. Her curls cascaded around her shoulders like flames. Her bosom spilled out so deliciously and effortlessly over the neckline of the dress.

"Penelope?" Both women asked again in unison, this time with confusion and disgust.

"Yes, these flowers are for Penelope. I came to call upon her and see if she would like to finish our discussion from yesterday." Colin suddenly felt the need to make himself presentable under Penelope's stare. She remained where she was at the top of the stairs, seemingly unamused by his presence in her home.

Finally, Penelope came forward a few steps. Colin sucked in a breath, anticipating being near her again if she would let him. He desperately missed Penelope. Her smell, her smile, her touch. She stopped halfway down the staircase, and Colin debated whether he should close the gap. "Mr. Bridgerton, with all due respect," Penelope began, once again using his words against him. "I have to decline your visit. I believe I made myself perfectly clear yesterday."

This was ridiculous, Colin thought. She was being ridiculous! Could she not see that he was trying?
"Yesterday?" Portia asked, turning between Colin and Penelope who had not once taken their eyes off of each other. "Penelope, what happened yesterday?"

Penelope broke her stare and smiled at her mother. "Nothing of importance, Mama. I only informed Mr. Bridgerton that our friendship is no longer appropriate if I am to find a husband."

Portia nodded in agreement. "Well, if that is all Mr. Bridgerton, my girls and I have much to do today. You understand. Briarly, could you see Mr. Bridgerton out?" The butler silently obliged.

Colin noticed Penelope's shoulders soften at her mother's dismissal, saving her daughter from this awkward encounter, whether intended or not. Colin turned to Portia one last time, speaking loud enough for Penelope to hear as she returned to the top of the stairs. "Mrs. Featherington, would you be so kind as to ensure Penelope receives her flowers? I hope she realizes their meaning in how much her friendship means to me."

Portia rolled her eyes but forced a polite smile. "Of course, Mr. Bridge-" Her sentence was interrupted by the youngest Featherington.

"Mama, please inform Mr. Bridgerton that I am allergic to zinnias. And lily of the valley. My throat closes up. I am sure Mr. Bridgerton wouldn't dream of causing me harm. Would you, Mr. Bridgerton?" Penelope sent him a piercing stare, and he visibly shuddered at it. This cold, petty version of Penelope was not one that knew. He did not like it one bit. She couldn't really keep shutting him out, could she? The more Penelope pushed Colin away, the more he realized how much he needed her. It was disheartening.

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