62. Cupcake Terror Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"I should of came after you" he sighed as i nodded.

"Thanks for kicking my in the mouth and stomach" she said holding the side of her face as i smiled at her.

"you're very welcome" I said clapping my hands together.

"Why are you in that sack?" Toridilla asked.

"So i can perform in the parade"


"oh great"


"now we got-"

"No one likes you!"

"You're crazy"

"You're a nuisance" Rex yelled as they all began arguing.

"So beautiful"


"Them arguing" I smiled as Chase rolled his eyes.

All the sudden we slowly stopped moving.

"What was that?" Sikowitz and I asked at the same time.

"I think we got a flat tire" Beck said as everyone groaned.

"This is fantastic"


"good" Jade said as Sikowitz walked over, opening the door as we heard sirens and music.

Robbie and I walked out after him.

"Fun neighborhood" i commented looking around.

"Yep, we got a flat tire" Sikowitz sighed.

"Do we have a spare?" Robbie asked as i looked at him.

"we dont even have a trunk" I sighed, placing my hands on my hips.

"Hey, here come some guys" Robbie said pointing to 4 guys heading our way.

"Maybe they can help" I shrugged.

"hey fella!" Robbie yelled waving them over "yeah, maybe they can help us" Robbie said once more.

"Back in the cupcake!"

"Right behind you!"

"Go, go, go"

"wheres cyn"

"aw shit"

I stood there waiting for them to come closer when all the sudden Robbie ran out grabbing my arm and dragging me back in.

"what was that for" I asked looking at them.

A few minutes later i was standing on the seat looking out of the window i tried to climb out of.

"Do you see anything" Cat asked as i shook my head.

"Only a guy petting a little dog. Wait, no, neverminded, its a giant rat. And he uh, he isn't petting it. Hes eating it" I said closing the window as Sikowitz grabbed my arm helping me down.

"what time is it" Toridillawilla asked.

"uh, almost 3:00" Robbie said checking his pear pad.

"And, uh, what time do we have to check into the parade by?" Andre asked

"7:00 am." Sikowitz sighed, crossing his arms over his chest

"which means we have to be there in.......wait let me do it over again" He chuckled.

"Four hours!" Andre yelled looking at him.

"Four hours" Robbie said placing his giant ass pear pad down.

"yeah, hi. we have a flat tire. could you please send a tow truck? Great. thank you so much. We're on the corner of Spates and 83rd. yeah how long do you think it'll take for you to-" Torisaucrus began but stopped all the sudden.

"hello? Hello? He hung up" she sighed.

"Man, nobody's gonna drive into this neighborhood at night" Rex said.

"Hey, batman would" Robbie said, as Beck came over sitting in between my legs as i began to play with his hair.

"Do you have batman's phone number?" Rex asked yelling.

"No" Robbie said.

"Then how we gonna call Batman" Rex said as i looked at them.

"We're not" Robbie sighed.

"I know we're not" Rex yelled.

"All right, i think there's a 24 hour Priceco on Spates. Ill jog up there, buy a tire, and be back in 30 minutes" Sikowitz said going to leave.

"Are you sure you want to be running through this neighborhood at 3 AM?" Andre asked standing up.

"The only thing I'm afraid of is fear...and the guy who installed my satellite dish, and when you wake up Cynthia. I know they both wanted to hurt me" he said leaving.

"Man, Sikowitz has been gone for almost an hour, arent you worried Cynthia?" Andre asked looking at me as i shook my head.

"Nah, he prolly got his pants and shoes mugged, found some cops, and now he's in a cop car" I said yawning.

"How long has Sikowitz been gone?" Robbie asked.

"Way too long" Jade said.

"Okay, we cant just keep sitting here." Toridiloi said as i rolled my eyes.

"Then lets hear a plan" Jade said.

"well, we have three guys in this cupcake. I think they should go for help" Tori said as i began laughing.

"you even try to sending one of them out there so help me, the heavens above better come and get me" I said glaring at her.

"Three guys?" Robbie asked.

"You know what i mean" Toritilla said looking at Robbie.

"Uh, i really dont"

"Come on, why dont the three of you quit acting like a couple of daisies and get out there" Trina said as i looked at her.

"Why dont you go out there? no one even wanted to to come!" I said.

"If we go out there dressed like this.." Beck began.

"We will get torn apart" Andre finished for him.

"True. Tori, Trina you go" Jade said as i nodded in agreement.


"Come on, lets just do it" Beck sighed looking at Andre.

"Do it?"

"Come on"

"but.. okay" he said going to leave but stopping "Wait, uh, do you even know which way we should go?" Andre asked as I sighed standing up.

"Whatchu doing?" Cat asked looking at me.

"Going with this blockheads so they dont get lost or killed.

"Well, according to my pad map, head due north for about-" but he was cut off by Andre grabbing it from him.

"Andre! Dont do it! Dont do it! NO! NO! no!" Robbie yelled as Andre opened one of the window throwing it out.

"what did you do?" he yelled as Beck opened the door me and Andre following.

We got out looking around the second we heard dog barking they ran off, both coming back grabbing each of my hands as we all began running away.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now