Y/n is fine, she's on her way to the chateau. I reminded myself repeatedly. It was the only way I was going to keep myself from turning around.


"Y/n?" I asked as we all rushed into the chateau. She wasn't here, not on the couch, not in the kitchen.

"Y/n!?" Kie yelled, running down the hall to check the room me and her shared. She rushed back into the living room, "She's not in the room or the bathroom."

"Not outside either." Pope exhaled after making sure she wasn't just waiting for us on one of the hammocks.

"I told you guys I saw something, I—" Sarah staggered breathlessly and John B wrapped his arms around her to help her focus. Her hands were in her hair and she looked flustered, "At the house, I-I saw—"

"Sarah, what did you see!?" I questioned, dropping my backpack onto the ground and taking a step towards her. John B held his arm out as a sort of shield in front of her, "What did you see!?"

"JJ, let her think." John B quieted his voice and looked directly into my eyes. I threw the flashlight I was holding onto the floor in frustration, "She's probably fine."

"Probably!? Yeah, let's not worry about my girl because thank god you've got yours!" I gestured my arm towards Sarah, she still had a panicked look on her face.

"Jay—" Kie grabbed my arm and I shrugged her away.

"No, Kie! Y/n took guard for us! She didn't even wanna do it and we all made her! I made her!" I exclaimed, watching as her face softened in sympathy. I clenched my jaw and stepped away from her and back to John B, pointing a finger right at his chest, "Whatever happens to my girlfriend is on you."

"I know where she is." Sarah moved my hand away from John B and stood in front of him, "Rafe had her and I think I know where he was taking her."

"You better hope, for Y/n's sake, you're not wrong." I spat. I didn't mean to be so rude to my friends but if there's something you don't mess with in my life, it's Y/n. She's the only thing in this entire world I can truly and genuinely consider mine.


"Rafe kept saying he wanted to get off the island," Sarah mumbled as we walked towards the docks, "but he couldn't do it without leverage."

"Leverage?" Pope questioned. My face dropped as I looked at him, knowing what Sarah had meant.

"Y/n." I answered, "She's the leverage." We've all screwed Rafe over in one way or another and he knew we valued Y/n. Taking her from us would be the downfall of the pogues. The downfall of me.

It didn't take long for us to hear shouting and what sounded like water splashing around. Panicked rushed through my veins as I ran towards the commotion, terrified of what I'd see. The group followed quickly behind me as we rounded the corner. What I saw would forever be branded in my mind.

Rafe was holding Y/n under the water in some container, she wasn't moving.

"Rafe!" Sarah screamed, "let her go! You don't have to do this!" She pleaded.

He spun around and laughed, a sick and twisted type of laugh, "It's already done." Within seconds he had taken off in the other direction and that's when I pushed myself to run after him but was stopped by Pope.

"We got him, get Y/n." Pope said and pointed over his shoulder to John B. I clenched my jaw, all I wanted was to go after Rafe and cave his face in but the fear of losing Y/n was stronger than that. Without using words Pope knew I'd let them go after him in my place and I bolted to my girlfriend.

My arms wrapped around her as I lifted her out of the water, "She's not breathing!" I yelled, "Why isn't she breathing!?" Kiara and Sarah helped me lay her down onto the dock. She was pale and her lips were turning a light shade of blue.

"Move." Kie pushed me away and I let my body fall backwards, my back leaned against the container of water. She began mouth to mouth and Sarah did chest compressions.

It felt like my world was crashing down with every failed rescue breath Kie did. For the first time in a long time I let myself cry. I shouldn't have let her stand guard. She's gone and it's my fault.

"Y/n.." I sobbed, my throat felt sand paper, my eyes spilled salty tears onto my cheeks.

"She's gonna be okay." Sarah looked at me, giving me a hopeful glance, "She's gonna be—"

"Sarah..." Kiara stopped doing rescue breaths and ushered for Sarah to move her hands off of Y/n's chest. I cried for her so loudly people in space could probably hear me.

Y/n was the light of my life in the darkness. My glasses when I couldn't see. The hope we all needed not to give up, "Y/n!" I pleaded again. I couldn't find the strength to hold myself up so I let my head fall onto her chest. When I did I could hear the faint sound of a heartbeat. Wiping the tears from my eyes I hovered over her body.

Her body twitched upwards a bit, coughing hysterically as water flew out of her mouth.

"Oh my god!" Kiara cheered and sat on the other side of her. I pulled her into my lap and made sure she was on her side, rubbing her back as she coughed.

"The fucker—" Y/n stuttered breathlessly between coughs, "drowned me." I didn't wait another second before I pulled her into my chest, my arms wrapping tightly around her body.

"You're okay." I whispered. Not only as reassurance to her but I had to say it out loud to make sure my mind wasn't placing tricks on me. Y/n was breathing. She was alive.

"He got away!" John B announced as him and Pope ran back down the docks. A look of amazement plastered on both of their faces.

"Y/n!" Pope exclaimed happily, "I thought he—"

"Drowned me?" Y/n let a small laugh leave her lips, "Yeah, he did." Her hands held onto my upper arm as her head rested on me.

I looked to my friends, "Can't kill a pogue." I said, a smile beginning to tug at the corners of my lips.

I couldn't even tell you how long we all sat there making sure Y/n was okay. I didn't dare take my arms away from her body, I couldn't get myself to. She was clinging to me as well.

Y/n was alive. My girl was alive and I was never letting her out of my sight again.


I hope this lives up to your request <3

It seems like a lot of people enjoy when JJ comes to the rescue (how could you not?) so should I keep doing imagines based on Y/n being the damsel in distress? I have on more request I'm working on today that's very past due so I'm sorry it's not done yet!

JJ Maybank imaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя