- CHAPTER 12: Perfect -

Start from the beginning

I talked to the kids until the bell rang and finally entered the school. Molly jumped at me excitedly with a present.
"AH! God.. that's the second time today. Hey Mols." I steadied my breathing at the shock.
"Hey, I got you a present! Open it!" She bounced up and down. I unwrapped the present to find a miniature clay sculpture of me. It had the red beret and everything. "Wow! You made this?" I asked in surprise.
"Yup! We were doing art in class so I asked if I could make you." She nodded quickly. "Well, thank-"

Suddenly Gwyneth passed by and purposely dropped a note for me. I quickly took it but decided not to open it infront of Molly. "Sorry about that. Thank you, Molly. I gotta get to class. Cya." I waved to her and quickly left, scanning the note.


Ask to go bathroom at exactly 10am. Important.
P.S: Happy Birthday.


Uh oh.
Well, she couldn't be mad at me. Right?
She was probably just going to tell me how her telling Ms Honey went super well.

I got to class and sat down, looking at the clock rapidly.
I shrugged and decided that maybe she'd ask to go aswell.
Suddenly she put her hand up.
"Miss. I have a prefect duty with Hortensia at 10. Can we go now?" She asked formally. Ms Haven nodded and we left the class.

As soon as we got out she grabbed my wrist tight and forcefully and lead me down the hall.
"What gave you the good idea to throw rocks at Ms Trunchbull!?" She yelled.
"Woah, woah. You can't be mad. It's my birthday." I pouted.
"I'm not mad. I just need to know." She sighed.
"Because she's a big fat bully." I replied. "Yeah, I agree. But she's my aunt, Tensia." She frowned and I looked confused.
"So? She practically abuses you!" I shook my head in protest.
"I know she does, okay? But she's family. Maybe she had some past we don't know about." She shrugged and started walking up the stairs. "Where are you off to?" I asked and she looked back at me.
"Prefect duties. Come on." She nodded towards upstairs and I quickly followed her upstairs.

We went down a few hallways to a specific bookshelf.
"Uh. Nice bookshelf?" I blinked in confusion.
"So smart but stupid." She elbowed me playfully and pulled on a book, making the whole bookshelf turn around into a passageway.
"Holy..-" I gasped. "Come on. Let's go." She nodded and we left into the passageway.

Suddenly we entered a dark room with a bulletin board. It had several papers and red lines across each. "Uhm.. never knew Ms Honey was a psycho." I muttered.
"Yeah, this is definitely Ms Honey's secret room." Gwyneth scoffed.

"Oi! Change the attitude!" I pouted. Gwyneth pointed to some papers. "These are all about Trunchbull. There was a court case long ago that she killed some related acrobat. Of course she was found innocent. The escapologist, the acrobat's husband, had vanished weeks prior. That was when the speculations started to spiral." She admitted.

"Okay? And? Do we really have to be in here?" I groaned, uneasy from how much it looked like Chokey. "Fine, fine. We'll go. Let me just.."
Suddenly she ripped all the papers down from the bulletin board and stuffed it in her basket under a book.
We were about to leave until she stopped me.
"Hey, Hortensia?"
"I was about to tell you but.. Trunchbull's being forbidden from my family."
"What? Really?"
"Yeah.. and it's all because of you. Thank you. Your a miracle." She smiled.

We went back to class and stayed there except from break.
Finally, lunch.
I left the class and turned a corner to find Lavender panicked.
"Lavender? What's up with you?" I asked and knelt down to her size. "I lost Isaac! He's— He's gone!" She cried.
"Come on, we'll find him. Where did you last have him?" I asked another question and took her little hand.
"..In my pocket—" She frowned, wiping her tears.
"Maybe he's in your classroom?" I suggested and she nodded so we went over to her class.
Ms Honey sat in there doing work before noticing me and Lavender. "Oh, Lavender! I believe I found your little friend on the art tray?" She smiled and gave Lavender her little lizard friend.
"ISAAC! Thank you Ms Honey!" She squealed and skipped off, leaving me in the room.

"Thank you for helping her, Hortensia. Also I believe it's your birthday today?" Miss Honey smiled and I nodded. "Mhm. It is."
"Well happy birthday then! Did you get many gifts?" Miss Honey asked.
"Not yet. I got a sculpture from Molly and then a card from your class and a notebook."
"Oh? A notebook? Do you like writing?"
"Well.. yeah. I guess I do."
"Do you know what you want to write?"
"Uh. No." I shook my head. She smiled and nodded. "Hmm.. What about a story about your revolting times here?" She suggested.
"Hm. Good idea." I grinned brightly.
"That's good! I'd love to see it when it's fully written." She patted my head and I happily nodded once again.

We talked for a bit more until the bell rung for class again. I stayed in class for the rest of the day and constantly thought of what to write until I remembered Miss Honey's idea.

So I started to write.

'I entered the school yard, bored as ever. It was just a plain day that followed a never ending cycle.'

Revolting | HORTENSIA'S POVWhere stories live. Discover now