- CHAPTER 12: Perfect -

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It was really hard to believe at the time that it was true that Gwyneth wouldn't be free.
No matter where she went, Agatha Trunchbull was always apart of her.
And I hated that.

"Hortensia?" A voice popped up behind me.
I quickly turned around to find Henry standing there.
"Oh, um hey Henry." I waved awkwardly. "Hey. So.. uh, listen—" Henry began.
"I was.. well.. wondering if-"
"Hi guys!" Molly popped up out of nowhere, scaring Henry. "Molly!" He gasped.
"What are we talking about? Hm?" Molly asked excitedly. I shrugged and looked at Henry who looked away. "It's nothing. I better go. Mr Dripple is looking for me." He left quickly and I turned to Molly.
"You scared the poor guy off." I chuckled and patted her shoulder. "What? Oh. Guess I did." She shrugged and I laughed. "Hey, make sure to check on Gwyneth at the prefect meeting later. Okay?" I asked and she nodded.
"Okay captain." She grinned and skipped off.

I finally went home to find my mum wrapping gifts until she saw me and quickly hid them.
"Oh hello dear! How was your day?" She asked. I shrugged in response. "It was alright."
"Are you excited for tomorrow?" My dad asked with a grin. "What's tomorrow?" I asked in confusion.
"It's your birthday tomorrow, silly!" Dad chuckled. "Our sweet little flower turns 11 tomorrow. Awh." Mum kissed my forehead before getting back to the dinner.
"Oh. It is." I completely forgot, if you couldn't tell. I guess I was so focused on the Trunchbull. It was like what Gwyneth had said. I forgot everything and just thought about the Trunchbull.

I had my dinner then went upstairs to sleep, putting on my pyjamas. I glanced out the window and poked my head out to look over at the wealthy corner of the neighborhood. Outside Gwyneth's house was a male and female with another female that had a bun and greasy grey hair and..
Oh no.
No. Not her. Please don't be her.

I had to do something. Gwyneth was in deep danger. I quickly put on my white fluffy ugg boots and climbed out the window. I creeped around and gathered a few rocks to throw at the Trunchbull.
I checked the time only to figure out that Gwyneth was home. And if I threw the rocks then Gwyn would get the blame..
I'd just have to make sure I got the blame. Somehow.
I grabbed the rocks and threw them all quickly but harshly at the Trunchbull. She quickly turned around and I peeked out from a tree purposely and grinned at her sneakily. I knew she noticed me because she glared at me before turning back to Gwyneth's parents.

I quickly sprinted home and climbed back up my window and into my bed.
I heard yelling from the rich estate but decided to ignore it. It couldn't possibly be from Gwyneth's house.

"Hortensia, darling!"
I heard Mum yell and I got up. "Coming, mum!" I put on my uniform and dashed down the stairs.
"Happy birthday!" Both of my parents sung and hugged me tightly. "Thanks, guys." I grinned.
"Here's a present!" They handed me a wrapped up box and I quickly unwrapped it. Inside was a grey notebook. "A notebook? Oh, thanks guys." I managed to thank them. Come on, seriously? A notebook? We aren't even poor!
"Don't worry, you have tons of more presents. You could bring the notebook to school if you'd want?" Mum smiled and I nodded. "Well — sure. Thanks guys." I properly thanked them and hugged them both before eating my breakfast and going off to school.

I didn't even know what I could write in it. What would I write?
There was nothing much to write about anyway..

I got to school and was about to enter the gate until Matilda's crew popped out of nowhere with Lavender and Bruce infront.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" Bruce and Lavender yelled excitedly.
Lavender hugged me tightly while Bruce handed me a card that Ms Honey's whole class made. My eyes started to twitch and slightly water. I don't know why.
"Awh, thanks guys." I smiled happily and hugged Lavender back.
Matilda followed behind and looked up at me. "I figured out what your name means." She looked up.
I wasn't certainly excited that she figured out what my name meant but I just decided to act like I was.
"Woah, really? What does it mean?" I asked.
"Garden." Matilda grinned.
"Ooh! Ooh! I have a garden!" Lavender raised her hand excitedly. "That's lovely, Lavender. Congrats." I replied.

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