"Yeah, but you also want me to be there with you, right?"

Taehyung kissed him under the ear tenderly, before nuzzling Jeongguk's cheek with his nose.

"I want you to be everywhere with me. If I could, I'd stay with you all day, every day. But I can survive a few hours without you. How do you think I do when I have to go to work?"

"That's different," Jeongguk smiled, heart warmed by Taehyung's words. "You don't have a choice when you go to work. Don't worry, I'll go. I don't want to miss an occasion of spending time with you."

Taehyung grinned at him, expression bright. "You know we have the rest of our lives to spend together, right?" he said. "One night won't change much."

Jeongguk's heart started beating erratically in his chest again. He believed it now, when Taehyung said that, but he still wasn't getting used to how amazing it felt.

"I know," he whispered, "but I still don't want to spend hours watching TV that I could have spent with you instead."

Taehyung chuckled. "Ok. Well, since you already made up your mind, I can tell you now that I'm really glad you're coming with me. I would have missed you."

Jeongguk couldn't do anything else but kiss him, feeling his heart burst at the seams with love for him.

"I love you," he breathed, barely audible, but Taehyung still caught it.

"I love you too, Gukkie. So much."

One steamy hot sex session later, that ended up with a relaxing bath in Taehyung's gigantic bathtub, Jeongguk was back in Taehyung's room, trying out suits for the wedding under his boyfriend's critical gaze.

"Not this one. Too bright. Not this one either. Too dark. Not this one. With your thighs, you're going to rip the pants as soon as you sit down."

Jeongguk blushed, but didn't say anything, standing up in the middle of Taehyung's walk-in closet in his boxer briefs and waiting for his boyfriend to find him something wearable. Of course, he had to rely on Taehyung in this matter, since he didn't own a single suit. As a fitness trainer, he didn't need them often.

He only noticed he was back to gnawing his lips nervously, thinking about the wedding, when Taehyung planted himself in front of him, new suit in hand, and asked: "It's because of them, right? Not just because it's a wedding, but because it's the wedding of my high school friends?"

"Well," Jeongguk replied, carefully taking the suit Taehyung was handing him. "Yeah. I mean, it's not Hyungsik and Ara. They're good people, I know that now. Anyway, I'm guessing we won't even be talking to them much, they'll be so busy. But there's gonna be the others, too. Your other friends. What are they going to say when they see you with me?"

Taehyung gripped Jeongguk's hands, still holding the suit, and watched him in the eyes before replying slowly, articulating every word: "I don't give a shit what they think. I know I used to, back then, but not anymore. Whatever they say about you and me, I don't care. You're more important than anything to me. Nothing is going to change that. It's what's scaring you, right? You think their opinion still matters to me, that if they tell me to break up with you, I'll do it?"

Jeongguk bit the inside of his mouth, eyes cast downwards. "Well... yeah."

He wanted to trust Taehyung, and he did, but there was still this gnawing doubt inside his mind, soughing, what if...?

"Look at me, Jeonggukie," Taehyung said in a firm voice, and Jeongguk had no choice but to look up at him. "Nothing matters more to me than you. Nothing. Whatever they say, nothing is going to change the fact that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Do you understand? "

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