🍁 Chapter 2 🍁

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You're screwed!!

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You're screwed!!

Jungkook ignored your text and left you alone. How dare he?

You were scared he would tell Taehyung about your crush and knowing Jungkook's nature, you were sure he'll spice the whole thing up.

"Why did it have to be that jerk?" You groaned frustrated.

You didn't remember since when you've been crushing on Taehyung. Maybe it was the day of freshman orientation in the first year. Or the day he walked into the cafeteria looking like a 5 course meal. Or when he helped a junior when she was being bullied by some seniors.

Call it respect or admiration, you've been feeling things for Taehyung for the past few months and to say time helped you develop them deeper would be absolutely rubbish.

Now after pining for almost 3 months, when you were so close to the longest break of winter, you managed to click enough pictures of him to admire. But when you should have sent those to your best friend, you accidentally sent them to his best friend instead.

Jeon Jungkook was one of Taehyung's close friends. While you shared 4 out of 6 classes with Jungkook, you only had 2 with Taehyung. He was a philosophy major afterall.

You didn't doubt Jungkook would tell Taehyung about the snaps. You were sure he would. He was like that.

He likes to mess with people, especially you since you're the least interactive out of all the girls in his class. The first day you met him, you finalized he's no good for you and decided to keep your distance.

So that last text is factually true. Bloody hell indeed!!

With a loud groan, you tossed on your bed and fake cried imagining the scene that will unfold tomorrow in college. You thought of deleting all the pictures you had of Taehyung in your phone so you could come out clean in front of him and prove Jungkook wrong but then decided to use AppLock instead so you didn't have to expose your private collection.

You were not going to delete the 1000+ pictures of that fine ass man for a threat!

The next morning, dread filled your entire being as soon as you stepped foot inside your class. Jungkook wasn't there yet but Taehyung was but he was busy doing something so he didn't spare you a glance. Like always.

The teacher came but Jungkook still hasn't arrived. One part of you was relieved that he was late. It gives you time to think of an escape plan while the other part, well let's just say the shaking of your legs and hands had nothing to do with the bone chilling weather outside.

Lunch break passed and Jungkook was still not around which meant Taehyung was still unaware of the events of the previous night. You were happy thinking that.

For the next two hours, you would be in a different lecture but you were sure he wasn't coming today so you walked out of the corridor happily, skipping over to your next class.

When you finally got back to the locker room, your breath hitched. On the far end of the hallway was Taehyung and he was standing with none other than Jeon Jungle-kook. And judging by the smile plastering Jungkook's lips, you knew it was over.

Hyperventilating, you pushed the books in your locker and closed it with a loud bang which obviously caught everyone's attention including Taehyung's. He turned to look at you and your world stopped in its tracks.

He looked pale. Like someone asked him to open his mouth and pull out his tongue to then wrap it around his throat. He wasn't blinking while looking -scratch that- staring at you.

"Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!" You started chanting, praying your damn books would settle inside the locker soon and you can meet yourself out of their sight and out of their minds.

When you finally succeeded in pushing everything inside, you turned on your feet and rushed out of the hallway as nothing happened.

You quickly walked over to the parking area, pulled on your helmet and took your scooter to drive back home when you heard footsteps approaching. You turned around and came face to face with none other than Jungkook.

"Hey! Where are you rushing off to?" He asked, clutching the back of your scooter and stopping it from moving backwards or forward.

"Home. I've been embarrassed enough for a day" you said, muttering under your breath the last part but he heard it. He gave you a confused look which made you scoff.

"Oh! Like you didn't know what you've done!!" You said, accusingly.

"What did I do?" He asked, equally confused.

"You told Taehyung everything, didn't you?" You said. His face and those beautiful beautiful eyes running in front of your eyes.

"No i didn't" Jungkook answered as a matter-of-factly.

"Oh really! Then why was he glaring at me back in the hallway? Why was there a disgusting look on his face?" You asked with your hands on your wait, legs balancing the scooter perfectly.

"Disgust..! No, that's not what it was. You're misunderstanding" he shook his head and sighed.

"I know you Jungkook. You live by embarrassing others. Taehyung wasn't supposed to know about it. Neither were you but you couldn't keep this one thing inside. You had to go and spill everything in front of him" you were panting now.

There was this one thing going right in your chaotic life. This crush or infatuation or whatever it is but Jungkook ruined it.

By the time you stopped ranting, he has had enough. He's been listening to you accusing him of something he hasn't done or ever thought of doing and he was no way in hell going to let you believe he did.

"Shut up!" He scolded. You looked up at him. He looked seriously pissed.

"You need to just shut up for a while and let me explain" he furiously added. You went quiet for a while and so he started speaking.

"I didn't tell him about your crush YN. I didn't because I know what he prefers. What he likes in his girl and believe me there's not one thing i would say to him about someone else's feelings. It's not my place and you know it damn well" he took a breath. He didn't mean to lash out like that but you left him no choice.

"I asked him if he's interested in dating anyone right now. He said he would if he finds the right girl. I know what he's looking for" he said. You looked at him confused. What is he trying to say here?

"Do you want to be that girl for him?" He asked seriously. You did want to be that girl. That's all you've wanted to be for him for the past 3 months so you nodded immediately.

"Yes I do. But how? How can I be what he wants?" You asked. How do you know what he likes? How are you supposed to be someone for him? For him to notice you?

"I'll help you," Jungkook finally said, making you go wide -eyed at his suggestion.

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