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I just prepared for bed and tried to lay down, but my phone rang, revealing unknown caller. I picked up.
"Hello Jungkook its me Tuana."
"Oh hi"
"Im sorry if I scared you or woke you up."
"No its okay."
"Hatice gave me your number. Niki asked her to hang out so they left. She told me that I must call you to accompany me home."
"Okay where are you?"
"In front of your house"
"Come in its unlocked I have to change"
"Uhh okay" she said and did what she was told to do and end the call.

3rd person POV:

After some time he came out, now in simple jeans and T-shirt.
"Its cold outside you should wear something more" Tuana said as it was really cold outside.

OMG SHE WORRY ABOUT ME AGHAHA I CANT. Jk panicked in his head but calmed down his thoughts and answered simply.
"Ok" jk said as he listened her and wore a hoodie.
"Is this better?" He asked. She just nodded and got up.
"Ok lets go" he said opening the door for her.

In car

"We have one problem..." Tuana said with low tone.
"Whats it?" Jk asked turning the car on.
"I dont remeber my address yet and I changed my phone so i dont know my adress..." she said putting her seatbelt on.
"Ohh..... Do you know who lives closest to you of our friends?" He asked as it May can help
"Hmmmmm.......Nanuka i think.... yes her....she lives two blocks away from my house........we went to school together a few days ago"
"Okay I will drive to her house. Do you remeber where to go after?" He asked and she just nodded.

After some time

Tuana was watching through the window admiring the city in darkness and relaxing her mind when she suddenly felt a hand on her tight. She quickly turned her head towards Jungkook and looked at him with widened eyes and then at his hand on her tight and then again at him.
"Oh sorry.........habit" jk said as he fastly moved his hand away seeing her reaction.
"If you are comfortable i dont mind it .........you just scared me"
"Sorry for scaring........and thanks for this" he said putting his hand back on her tight.
"Nahh its okay" she said cutely. That melted jk's hearth. She was the cutest.

After some time they were in front of Nanuka's house and were supposted to exit the car. Jk unbuckled his seat belt and his hands immediately went to unbuckle Tuana's one too grabing her arms. She was shocked and didnt move. After few seconds jk realised what he had done so he instantly apologized
"Uhh I am sorry.....its a habit.......again." he said and smiled awkardly.
"Its okay........... thats cute habit" she said and also smiled awkardly. They stared at each other both smiling awkardly for a few seconds and then Jk said "Ok we can go now?" And backed away as he was still bending to her seatbelt unbuckler.
"Yy-Yeah.....i mean....sure" Tuana said trying to hide her blushing face.
They got out of the car and jk locked it. Then he went closer to her, so they would walk together. Tuana was in her thoughts trying to remember where they have to go and where her house is since she is still new to the city. Suddenly she felt that jk grabbed her arm and interwined their fingers. She didnt dare to pull hand away or do anything else, she just continued walking as if nothing happened.
Jk was lost in his thoughs also when he interwined their fingers. He was instantly out of thoughs when he felt Tuanas soft and warm wirst in his cold and large one. He immediately felt embarassed and started blushing and pulled his hand away a litlle harshly.

I....I...Im so so so sorry....its again a ha-habit...." he said blushing madly in embarassement.
Tuana chuckled and said"nonono its okay......where did you get such a cute habits, ha?"
"Hmm...I mean, they are from my childhood, i dont know" he said looking at floor, blushing and playing with zipper of his hoodie.
"Cute" Tuana said under her breath, but he heard her. He just stayed quiet not knowing what to say, all red like tomato.

She thinks i am cute omg i will die now goodbye world. Jk thought to himself.

They contined walking. They were now in front of Tunnel that was very dark and it is famous for bad and crazy people who walk there at night. Jk saw that his laces on the shoe is untied so he kneel down to tie it and quietly said "wait i have to tie laces" what Tuana obviously didnt hear because she continued walking alone towards the tunnel.
She was stoped by someane calling her 'hey pretty' and grabing her butt. That was some drunk stranger and she then noticed that jk isnt here.

Tuana POV:

Did he left me here alone?
I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about jk when that man came even closer. His head inches away from my. His smelly breath hitting directly my nose. Ewww that smells horrible.
"Sir, let me go and go away now!" I said seriously with a deep tone. He seems to be scared of that a litlle, but he isnt giving up easy.
He then hugged me and put his hands under my shirt from back. Coming closer to kiss me. Ewwww. But ...I dont have choice. this or getting killed by him. since it was only us there. But I felt relieved when I saw him punching that men until blood was seen. I was scared. He was scary. But when he done with punching that man he came to me with soft eyes and worried face.
"Im sorry. Did he hurt you?" Jk asked as I shaked my head and said a litlle 'no thanks to you'
And then we continued walking, hand in hand. He didnt wanted be to be separated of him anymore.

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