July 3rd, 1994

Comincia dall'inizio

She carried off, eyes darting away quickly as she took in a breath, but before Remus could reach to shake her, Iris shook her head and continued on, "But old laws state that a selected Shifter gets their own delegates. They still support their school, but their party includes a representative from their own crest and a representative from the Royal Crest.

Eyes narrowing, Iris finished off with a question, "What do I need to know?"

Remus threw Dumbledore a nervous look, feeling as a tension seeped back into the space.

Even Dumbledore seemed less than sure on continuing, his smile gone, "Three Shifters have taken up an interest in joining, two from Durmstrang and one from Beauxbatons." Iris' gaze remained steady, brushing aside the information as she awaited what was to come, "And the Royal Delegate will be Ryker Peverell."



Iris was gone in a second, her chair thrown back from her sudden leave.

Remus stared wide-eyed after her, rushing to get up himself and follow her into the sitting room. Entering from the hallway, he was about to call out when he noticed she was gone. Vanished away into what he could only assume were the green flames of the fireplace, off who knows where.

Remus fell back into one of the armchairs, running a hand over his face as he watched the green fire dance in the air...

Iris Blackwell was in his care... and now he had no idea where she even was...

Iris Blackwell was in his care, something that was not proving in any way to be simple.


Number 4 Privet Drive was a perfectly normal house located just southwest of London in Little Whinging, Surrey. Located within one of those perfect little neighborhoods where every house looked to be an exact copy. From the actual plan of the house down to even the length of each freshly mowed lawn.

A cookie-cutter neighborhood where only the most normal of people could ever really live. Where the most exciting events of the day were sitting before the television and watching for changes in the weather. Where the biggest scandal was when Mrs. Johnson painted a pink flower on her mailbox. Where absolutely nothing odd could ever have possibly lived.

Number 4 Privet Drive... home of an oddity.

Of course, the perfectly normal residents of the house did their best to hide away their abnormality. After all, Vernon and Petunia Dursley were nothing if not the poster family of normal. Vernon is a director at a firm that makes drills. Petunia is a perfectly nosy housewife. Their son Dudley was awfully spoiled. A near-perfect cookie-cutter family for the perfect cookie-cutter neighborhood.

Near. The only thing keeping them from being perfect was none other than Harry Potter, Petunia Dursley's nephew... and the most massive secret that came with him. A world behind him... a world as far from normal as you could get.

The Dursleys did their best to ignore Harry Potter, to keep him as separate from themselves as they could. To keep his secret from the rest of their perfectly normal world... but things couldn't always work out for them.

The world far too unpredictable... so every now and again, there were disruptions to whatever sense of a normal life they grasped onto.

And that day... it came in the form of Iris Blackwell.

She had walked up to Number 4 Privet Drive with such confidence that neighbors had to have assumed she was familiar with the residence... something the Dursleys most certainly did not want anyone to believe.

𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓂'𝓈 𝒜 𝐵𝓇𝑒𝓌𝒾𝓃'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora