The First Day

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Grian's pov
I glide down, landing softly with mumbo gripping his Blast Shield Grumbot. Something mumbo made because i keep blowing him up with my quirk. It also helped out his quirk so he quickly became accustomed to carrying it everywhere, even remodeling it into a backpack.
We both head into the classroom of 1-A.
Deku stands there in full costume, smiling as he waits for all of us to sit.
Once we all sit down, deku says simply.
"You all may know the fitness test we usually do to see how you've grown since middleschool, but i have a bit of a different idea for today. Today will be a study of your skills, but in a different enviroment. You'll be grouped up in teams of 4, i'll be picking your teams and we'll see how you guys work together well.
I see a student with light blue hair poking out of his hood raise his hand and deku points to him.
"Yes TangoTek right?"
The boy nods," how is this exercise supposed to make us better heros?"
"Because this exercise will focus on escaping. If you ended up captured or in a villain's lab by accident, this'll help you figure out ways to work your way out of them. Plus it will help you guys start coming together as a class. You'll need it in case anything happens."
Mumbo raises his hand next and Deku kindly points to it." Mumbo Jumbo right? The attendance list is strange"
Mumbo nods," does this mean your worried villains will appear, like when the previous number 1 hero All Might became a teacher here?"
Deku freezes, but takes a breath and says.
"It's better i prepare you all for the worst, but bring you up as the best."
After that, we all changed into costumes and headed to a practical gym.
" alright, everyone here? Good, now, to start, everyone will be doing this test simultaniously. There's a legitimate reason for it. I'll send you guys out in your teams that are marked on this board right here, you'll all be in different buildings which are marked, so is the test room, i wish you all good luck."
Grians pov
We walk through the building, the halls annoyingly tight, so i can't fly at all. This sucks, i'm already getting bored as we meandered along. Meandered? What is this, a descriptive paragraph?
We finally arrive at the room and Scar has me hold his adorable cat Jellie as he opens the door, the cat proceeds to climb onto my wings and  starts tapping my feathers. I grab the cat and just holding her in my arms,"dang cat might like my wings a bit much Scar"
Scar chuckles as he takes his cat and puts her in a special bag that he puts her in and she meows at Scar as she's put on his back.
The Escape room itself seemed like a simple office. A dated phone, a computer, a small library. Honestly it seemed boring on the surface, but Mumbo was perked up and looks around curiously. At least i could spread my wings.

Impulses pov
We get into the room and instantly start looking once my Sense tells me the doors locked behind me. Fun, i'll get to know some of my classmates while we look for puzzles.
"So- any of you guys good at puzzles and stuff?"
The bright green wearing girl shakes her head," nope, i'm horrible at this stuff" she leans on a bookshelf and an icy chill runs down my spine as i yell," BEHIND YOU GEM" and i pull her aside as paintballs hit us both. I look down and she bursts into laughter.
"Your hair is full of paint. I'm Geminitay, you are?"
"ImpulseSV, and you don't say?" I pull my hair down to find my hand covered in glittery pink paint.
"It seems so- and my hair is gonna be pink for weeks." I snort as the other two ladies start snickering as well.
"I'm False, and this is Pearl, nice to meet you both Unicorn Hair."
I snort,"quite fitting right now, let's just find the key so we can leave."

Xisuma's pov
I step into the room behind my classmates and my sensors trip as the door locks.
"Looks like the room's already begun" i pipe up and the others turn, and i ask," so what're your guy's names? I'm Xisuma."
The one with a mask on his face raises his hand," i'm Etho."
The knight takes off his helmet and says," i'm Welsknight."
Finally the boy with the cybernetic eye speaks up," i'm Iskall, i guess we can call ourselves the Armed and Stealthy group ya?"
I chuckle," yeah that kinda fits huh?"
Etho starts checking the computer
"Computer's blank, it's a fresh hard drive."
I sigh, starting to scan over the bookshelves, multipule camera lenses popping up on my helmet as i scan the recorded video with my eyes. This was gonna take awhile.

Tango's pov
I smirk as i step into the office room full of Thingamaficators and Jigglybobs. I sit on the office chair and i spin, my hood on so i don't use my Invisible flames. All of this room already felt too escape roomy, but i couldn't see any locks or obvious puzzles. What if? May as well put the idea out there.
"What if he doesn't actually have the key out in the room?"
The one with a clock on his each of his hands looks up.
"Whaddya mean there Tango?"
I chuckle," it seems too obvious to do a puzzle escape room. I would try to break the walls but i'd probably suffocate us all before i burn through."
A boy with a 4 leaf clover on his costume perks up.
"My quirk's more useful if there's chances involved. I give Luck essentially."
I snort," so your like the Lucky Horse from the Lucky Horeshoe cereal commercials?"
The boy chuckles," yeah pretty much"
The last one held a dark metal axe and says," my Quirk could be used to blow something up, but it lasts only a little bit. We'd have to move quick while we have the chance."
I smirk," i can probably make the wall weaker with my ice so you do more damage."
"That would be splendid my hooded compatriote, i'll let you get on that while i think of a good situation to imagine"

(Hehehehehehehehehe, what do you all think? Part 2 of the Escape room part of thier first day will be out soon! Stay balanced-SIRABOOKS)

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