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"So how long will it take to get there?" Rehn asked "about... I don't know, two minutes, maybe three?" Venessa answered. Rehn sighed, "Well... I just want to tell you that... I'm sorry about those losses back there." Rehn said. "It's not your was that damn we drop it." "Okay, just trying to consult." Rehn stated. Soon, massive red trees began to come into view, towering over the surrounding area. "Quite massive, aren't they?" Rehn marveled. Archie swooped down onto a high up Boulder that surveyed the radius of the forest. "We jump off, and make our way to the mountains, we'll have a good view on the high ground." Venessa explained.

They hopped off Archie, and carefully made their way down the big rock. They dropped down and crunched the debri lying in the dirt. "You keep a look out for anything on our level, and I'll keep a close eye on the trees." "Why do you need to look in the trees? Is there anything up there?" Rehn asked. "The thylacoleos love hiding up in the trees. That's also where they ambush their prey." Rehn began getting nervous, but Dill seemed calm...for the moment. "How hard are they to find?" Rehn asked "very", Venessa responded.

"Rehn and Venessa continued to walk quietly through the dark redwood forest. Rehn began getting very anxious. "Venessa, we'll leave soon? Rehn asked. "Why, you scared?" Venessa replied. "I'm getting very paranoid here." "Well, would you rather get out of here, or go home?" Venessa answered, now getting annoyed with Rehn's terror.

The three finally began to see the sloping gray mountain slope. "Looks a little steep, don't ya think?" "If we both managed to take down a giant spider, than we can also make it up this." Venessa said. They walked up to the bottom of the steep mountain side, and Venessa fired her grappling hook, and Rehn then did the same, the two climbed. Rehn used one hand to climb and also his legs and feet, keeping Dill from falling out of the pack. They soon reached the top, and Rehn wiped the sweat off his forhead.

Venessa dusted herself off, before pulling out her shotgun. She began turning it slowly, pointing in all different directions. "Will you please get your gun out and help me!" Venessa nagged. "Alright, alright, I'm getting my rifle out right now!" Rehn said. They looked around, but after a long moment of silent searching, they saw nothing. "We should have just bought some talons from a shop or something. "We're already in the redwoods, what difference does it make!?" Venessa stated. "Venessa, you've been real snappy ever since the Broodmother figh-" "Will You Please Stop Bringing That Up!" Venessa shouted.

"I know your upset, Venessa, and I'm sorry that this is what you have to go through, but we need to work as a team to-" there was a rustling from up above. Venessa wasted no time, and fired rounds into the sky. A large, brown animal came diving down, and out towards them. Venessa had no time to reload, and so the thylacoleo pounced on her, biting into her arm. Rehn could now see the animal's features.

It was actually now a reddish brown, with tannish brown stripes, but its teeth, oh God those teeth. They looked more like a bunch of long, distorted rocks, bulging out of its mouth. Venessa screamed, kicking at the beast, but it dragged her away. Rehn tried using his rifle, but he missed the beast, and by the time he reloaded, the animal was already gone. Rehn ran down, only to tumble off the side of the hill. Rehn held the pouch, and he used what other body parts he had to cover himself. He was bleeding much more than before. It was running down his forehead, on his arms, legs, middle. Rehn still didn't care, he kept bolting forward, chasing after Venessa.

Rehn finally saw Venessa again, she was narrowly dodging the thylacoleo, trying to bring its jaws down on her head. Rehn lost his rifle, but he realized he still had his handgun, a 32, magnum revolver. He wasn't loaded. He quickly hid behind a fallen tree trunk, as to not draw attention to himself. With shaky hands, Rehn put all seven bullets into the gun. He snapped the cylinder back into place, and jumped out. Rehn shot the marsupial multiple times, it ran away, and Rehn continued to shoot until he was out of ammo. "You...saved me" Venessa blankly stated. "Thank you..." she continued. "Glad your okay." Venessa got up, groaning in pain. Rehn helped her up. "Damn, bummer we didn't cut that things talons off." Venessa stated "Yeah", Rehn agreed. "But, I'm sure with all those bullets to the skin, I bet it went down." Rehn stated.

"Well let's hunt this monster down!" Venessa said. They went on, following the blood trail towards the wounded marsupial. They later found the animal, laying near a fertile stream bed. The animal was still breathing, but was in great pain and agony. "Time to put you down, bud. Stay wild up in the skies, and hopefully... you can forgive me." Rehn said, before pulling a knife out of his utility belt. He brought the knife up, hovering over the beasts head. Rehn then brought the weapon down. The thylacoleo roared one last time before giving its final breath.

"Cut its talons." Venessa said. Rehn began cutting, he managed to bag twenty. "Venessa went to the animal as well, ad cut its fur, Rehn stared. "What? Thylacoleo pelts go for a lot on the market." Venessa explained. "Okay, we got our talons, and pelt, so let's go find Archie." Venessa said. They went on up the mountain, and over to the argentavis, who was sitting, perched up on the rock. Venessa whistled, and the bird swooped down. They hopped on Archie. The bird bursted up into the air, and they headed off to the Lower South Cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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