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"This way", said Venessa. "Poor Dill, lost out there, all alone" "Hey, calm down, your bird will be fine", commented Venessa. They walked through the West side of the jungle, until they reached a large building. "What is this place?" Rehn asked. "My home", Venessa replied. "This is incredible!" "We aren't sticking around here for too long" "This still isn't helping, if your trying to cheer me up" "Well, that was the point. "I just want to find Dill, Venessa," Rehn raised his voice. "Listin, we'll look for Dill soon, but me and the other guys have some business to tend to."

"Others, there's even more people?" asked Rehn. "How many other humans are on this island?!" "Many living, many dead" Venessa replied" "You know what, here, take this." Venessa tossed Rehn a fanny pack like bag. Carry your stuff in it, and Dill when we find him" said Venessa. "Thanks" Rehn replied. "You got a home?" Venessa asked. "A campfire", Rehn replied. I've got another bed in a seperate room, you can stay here", Venessa told Rehn. "Can Dill stay?" "Yes, the bird can stay." "So... what are you going to do" We are going to take down a rex!" Venessa stated in excitement. "I'm going, so you wanna join the party?" "Guess I'm in."

"So where's this tyrannosaur at?" Asked Rehn. "On the base of the big mountain", Venessa answered. Suddenly, a raptor came bursting through a barn. It was yellow, with a red snout. "WATCH OUT, VENESSA!!!" Rehn warned her. "What's wrong?" Asked Venessa. "A velociraptor!" Rehn exclaimed. "Oh, you mean Rose?" Venessa asked. "Rose?" "Yeah, and she's not a velociraptor, she's a utahraptor." "And, she's not suppose to be out of the stable!" Venessa exclaimed, turning to look Rose in the eye. Rose looked at Venessa, and rubbed her face on Venessa's cheek, then looked at Rehn, and snarled. Rose jumped at Rehn to attack him

Venessa pulled her back with a lead on Rose's neck "stop it, Rose, he's my friend!" Venessa managed to keep Rose at bay. Rehn could see Rose's sharp teeth and gums, as she snarled. Venessa tied Rose's lead to a tree stump. She pouted, but Venessa said, "Rosey, (that's Rose's nickname) I'll untie you as soon as we come back, alright. "Why did you do that?" Rehn asked. "She would've kept following me, and this is a weapon only fight." "This is what we're riding on", Venessa said, taking out a shaggy horse. "Equus", Venessa told Rehn. The equus looked like a long haired zebra, gray, with white stripes. Venessa jumped on the horse, and then held out her hand. "Hop on, rookie." Rehn took her hand, and she pulled him up. Rehn held onto the equus' sides, and they rode off into the distance, the horse kicking up dust.

"You ever rode a horse before?" Venessa asked. "I was guided on one when I was seven" Rehn answered. "Well, then maybe, with a little teaching, you could ride Nelza." "What do ya think?" Rehn wasn't really listening, he was busy day dreaming about finding Dill. "Rehn, hellllooooooo" Venessa tried getting Rehn's attention. Oh... uh...yeah.. sounds great." Rehn replied, not really understanding anything that Venessa had just said. They eventually arrived at a familiar spot. They sat on Nelza for a few minutes, before something rustled through the undergrowth of the dense rainforest. "They're here!"

Five people came through the bushes. Three men, two women, all riding on either some pig animal (phiomia) or an equus. "Howdy, Venessa", one of the men greeted her, they all hopped off their mounts. "Hey, whose your little boyfriend here?" Another guy asked. "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend!" "Alrighty, Venessa, whatever you say." "Guys, meet, Rehn." "Howdy partner" a man in a cowboy hat welcomed. "Rehn, meet my friends, the blonde over there, that's Beverly. "Hey, dude", Beverly said. "The black haired woman over there's Sarah." "Hey." "That one in the hat's Micha." "Howdy." "The guy in the vest, that's John." John nodded his head up and down. "And over there, the one in glasses, that's Vlinn. "Hi". Alrighty then, now that are little, "meet and greet" is over, let's get to the hunt", said Micha. John took out a whistle looking object. It was brown in color, and was made of wood with black straps. John proceeded to put his lips to the hole, and blew. The caller made a squeaky sound, like the shreak of a dying animal, and soon after, a large creature bursted out of the trees.

"The rex is here, the rex is here", Micha shouted. A smaller tyrannosaur came limbering into the open field. The t-rex charged at John, who had a spear in hand, wich he threw toward the rex. The animal managed to dodge the spear, and jumped up, trying to pounce on John, opening its jaws. John threw his body out of the way, leading to the rex slamming into the dirt. Blood began to run out of the creature's nostrils, but it just got up like it was nothing. Beverly shot an arrow, hitting the rex, just barely missing the neck. The arrow instead hit the body. The tyrannosaur roared, but an arrow shot out of Micha's hand held bow, hitting the rex in in the leg. The rex cried out in pain, and thumped to the ground. It tried getting up, but every time, it just slammed back down to the floor. John began walking up to the rex, spear in hand.

Rehn looked closer at the animal. There was the brown color, hair bristles, but most noticeably, those eyes, those beautiful, golden eyes. It finally sparked into Rehn's brain, just who this rex was. "WAIT!!!" Rehn shouted. John had the spear, just above the rex's head, but lowered it to his side, turning around to look at Rehn. "What's the matter?" John asked, slightly agitated. "I've seen this rex before", Rehn answered. "Well, good for you", John stated sarcastically. "Don't kill it" "Just why the hell not", Micha questioned. "I've been able to calm it with food, kinda gain its trust, watch. Rehn proceeded to cautiously approach the rex. "Marla", Rehn said "Befriend it, a rex!? He's crazy, no one's ever tamed a rex."
The rex hissed and snapped at Rehn. "Hey, it's alright, I'm gonna help you", Rehn whispered in a calming tone. Rehn gently grabbed the arrow, and quickly pulled it out. The rex screeched in pain, and he pulled the next out. He grabbed a few fern leaves on the ground, and tied them around the rex's wounds. "Food, anyone?" Vlinn grabbed a piece of cooked meat from out of his pocket, and handed it to Rehn. He gave it to the rex, wich gently chewed and ate it. The tyrannosaur tried again to get up, and it slowly rised. This time, when Rehn tried to pet the rex, it allowed him to do so before it went limping back into the jungle "A beast master", Vlinn finally spoke.

THE LAND OF THE ARKNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ