Chapter 13: The Unforseen

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Serran was standing a few meters from Kleptos. His master still hadn't noticed the bleeding wound on his side.

"I can't believe you tried turning on me. What a fool." Kleptos said to Serran. He darted to Serran and had his lightsaber above his head, ready to strike down. Serran blocked the hit with his lightsaber and jumped back.

He then dashed toward Kleptos with his lightsaber in front of him and ready to kill. He kept himself low to quicken himself. Kleptos swung his blade at Serran's neck; Serran jumped up and lept over his master with grace.

Kleptos spun around immediately and focused his power into one attack. Reaching out his free hand, he sent bolts of lightning shooting out of his fingertips and at his apprentice. Serran brought up his lightsaber and redirected the lightning back at his master. Unfortunately, though, some of the lightning had zapped his hands.

Kleptos was hit by the lightning that he had created and fell backward. The burning electricity had hit his eyes and had forever blinded him. He was at a severe disadvantage.

Serran took the opportunity he had made and stabbed Kleptos in the middle of his chest without hesitation.

Kleptos gasped for air. "It seems... I have grown weak over the past decades." He said with a pained voice.

"It seems you have," Serran said as he extinguished his lightsaber. Something about this felt weird to him. He had killed Kleptos so easily and quickly even though weeks before he could've been easily killed by the man. In a way though, he felt as if he had gotten stronger in this short amount of time. But still, everything felt off. This short battle had been too easy. He had even won without a scratch. What happened?

Serran felt something through the force. It was light and opposite of the path he walked. He sporadically looked around the room. Nothing was there except fallen books and the body of his master. Deep down though, he knew who had arrived: Jedi.

The doors to the library burst open with a powerful push of one of four jedi shadows who had somehow tracked him down. All the jedi were humans and were all uniform in black and dark brown robes. Three out of the four were male.

"As soon as I thought I was done, you all just had to barge in." Serran cursed. He ignited his scarlet lightsaber again and readied himself.

Two of the jedi sprinted to Serran with their blue lightsabers ready to kill. Serran jumped up and back, landed on the top of one of the fallen bookshelves, and then fell toward the nearest jedi. He swung his red blade down, cutting the male jedi in half and instantly killing him.

The other jedi that was near his fallen comrade ignored the other's death and focused on the task at hand. The jedi swung his lightsaber above his head, attempting to behead his opponent. Serran bent down into a back bend and lifted up his legs, kicking the jedi in the jaw as hard as he could and then springing upward and landing on a table. The jedi's jaw was broken as a result of hesitating.

The jedi he had hit briefly fell to the ground before getting back up immediately. "Arya, I need backup!" Yelled the jedi. The female jedi guarding the door sprinted over with her purple lightsaber in hand. She thrust her purple blade out, attempting to stab Serran in the chest. Serran lept back and used the force to pick up all of the fallen books and fling them at the jedi.

He used this opportunity to sprint in low and stab the male jedi in the gut, killing him. The female jedi reached out with the force and sent Serran flying back. He crashed into a wall but was unharmed. The female jedi then lifted up her lightsaber and threw it at him. She controlled its direction with the force.

Serran jumped out of the way at the last second. He landed on his stomach and crawled under a bookshelf that had fallen. He felt something warm trickle down his head. He touched where it was coming from and winced. A part of his left ear had been cut off.

As soon as he had regained his breath, a purple blade thrust down almost half a meter away from his head. He rolled out from under the bookshelf and swung his lightsaber at the woman's side. It hit but the wound wasn't deep enough to be fatal.

The jedi swung her lightsaber at Serran. He blocked the hit with his own blade. The two started swinging their lightsabers at each other, desperate to kill the other. Each swing of the burning blades kept getting closer and closer to a fatal hit.

The jedi that was guarding the only escape ran over to help his comrade. "Stay back, Den. I can handle this." She said to the jedi.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

Serran ducked under the purple lightsaber and then aimed for his opponents arm.

"Yes! Go back to the door!" She yelled at her comrade. Serran then sliced off one of her hands at the elbow. She screamed in pain but kept on fighting.

Serran fed off the pain that the jedi was feeling and mixed it with his own fear and pain. He used these emotions and sensations to give himself more power to use.

The jedi's fighting slowly became more clumsy as she attempted to heal the remaining part of her arm. Serran noticed this and used the moment to end this fight.

As soon as he blocked an attack from the woman, he reached out his open hand and focused everything he had into his fingertips. He fed off of all the pain in the room. He fed off of the anger he was feeling. He fed off of the sorrow the woman was feeling for her fallen comrades. But most importantly, he fed off his desire to kill.

Blue lightning shot out of his fingertips and hit the woman. She tried to redirect the lightning at Serran but the amount of electricity flowing through her kept her movements to a minimum. She dropped her lightsaber as the metal hilt burnt and melted the dark skin on her hands. She fell to the floor of the library and spasmed uncontrollably as her limbs and joints locked up. Her dark brown skin sizzled and burned until all was left was a corpse covered in red blisters and burnt skin.

Serran chuckled at the sight of the corpse. It felt weirdly uplifting to him to see someone suffer at his hand. He then turned to the door where the last jedi was. But, the jedi wasn't there. Had he escaped? He then felt a presence extremely close. He spun his head around and saw the jedi with his blue lightsaber right behind him. The jedi thrust his lightsaber forward and stabbed Serran in his side. Luckily though, the blade hadn't hit anything important.

He looked into the eyes of the jedi. He looked terrified. The poor man was about the same age as Serran.

"This fight is over. I've won." Serran announced. The jedi's hands were trembling as he extinguished his lightsaber. He then made a run for it.

Serran held out his hand and then clenched his fist. The jedi stopped in his tracks and fell on his knees, grabbing at his throat. "Who told you that you could leave?" Serran said. His voice calm but deadly. He dragged the jedi back to him.

"You're going to answer some questions." He said to the jedi. He held his red lightsaber over the jedi's chest. "How did you find me?" He demanded.

"For the sake of the jedi order, I'll never tell you anything." The jedi answered in a shaking voice.

"Why are you people so loyal to such a cult?" Serran scoffed. He then stabbed the jedi in the chest. He straightened himself up and extinguished his lightsaber. The room was an absolute mess. Four bodies littered the floors.

Wait, four?

He felt something pierce his stomach. He looked down and saw the blue blade of a lightsaber going through his torso from behind. He turned his head and saw the jedi he had tried to question had survived the blow to his chest.

"I've already... called backup. You're... done, sith." The jedi panted before extinguishing the lightsaber and collapsing to the floor, finally dead.

Serran's breath was uneven and shaky. How could he have let that jedi stab him? Was he going to die? He felt something unfamiliar to him. Something he hated: He felt weak.

Blood leaked from the burnt hole in his stomach and the world began to spin. Serran then collapsed to the floor, all strength being drained from him during the battle and now from this.

"Not yet. I can't die here!" He screamed as he clawed his way across the floor and towards the door. Blood pooled out from his mouth as he gasped. "Not yet... not yet... not... yet." The world around him became black.

Was this the end?

SerranTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon