Chapter 8: A Master and A Padawan

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Serran stuffed his kyber crystal into the parka pocket. He had to get out of here as soon as he could. He ran out of the passage and turned a corner. He could sense that two jedi had entered the cave. He didn't have long until he was discovered.

He drew on the force to make him quicker and to increase his awareness of his surroundings. It didn't do much but was extremely helpful.

He jumped over a fallen ice pillar and then slid down a slope of ice. He was almost to the opening where he had come in from. Once he had gotten to a flat spot, he started running again.

He then felt a very familiar presence. He looked behind him and saw his former master, Kresonri. She had her pale lightsaber out and ready to attack.

"You!" Serran yelled. He grabbed the blaster from his belt and started firing it at the togruta. She easily dodged them. She then started walking towards Serran with long graceful strides.

Serran fired the blaster at her again. She blocked the bolt with her lightsaber and sent it back at him. He dodged.

"Serran Lahora, you are under arrest for the murder of two jedi and a civilian." Kresonri spoke. She stood in a battle ready form.

Serran knew that he had no chance of winning a fight against her. He had seen her in action a few times before. His power came close to zero against her. His only chance at survival was to either accept defeat and become imprisoned for the rest of his life or to run and try to escape. His choice was obvious.

"So you found me. How?" He asked, stalling.

"I sensed a disturbance. Now lay down your weapon and accept defeat." Kresonri said. Serran looked around the area that they were in. His way out was close but Kresonri would never give him the chance to escape.

"I refuse." Serran responded. He fired the blaster at his former master. She sent the bolt back and swung her lightsaber at the blaster. Serran ducked low and sweeped her leg out from under her. She fell but rolled back onto her feet.

She then thrust out her hand; Serran did the same, knowing her move. They both attempted to fling the other across the cave but Kresonri was much more in tune with the force. Serran was launched back and his blaster was thrown put of his hand. In a last ditch effort, he reached upward and grabbed onto the ceiling with the force. He then made the icy ceiling collapse on top of Kresonri. He had made a barricade with the ice but it wouldn't hold for long. He knew that Kresonri was still alive and that she was strong enough to easily get past the barricade.

Serran took the opportunity to make an escape. He ran straight ahead running in between long pillars of ice. Once he was at the opening that he had come through earlier, he squeezed himself out and made a b-line for the ship.

He could hear the chunks of ice being moved from the barricade he had made. He had to hurry.

Once at the ship, he pushed a button to open the door. When the door was open just enough, he slid under it and spammed the close button.

Serran then jumped into the pilot seat and pushed multiple buttons and pulled levers as fast as he could. The ship started to hover and then flew away from the cave.

He finally took a breath and slouched in his seat. Serran didn't expect that Kresonri would be on that planet, let alone attack him as soon as she saw him. He took the kyber crystal out of his pocket; its glow and energy pulsed in his hand. He put it back in the pocket.

Once he broke through the atmosphere, he input some coordinates into the data pad and entered a hyperspace route. He was heading to Apatros. He planned on using cortosis for his lightsaber and he needed to somehow get some. It would take a while to get to the planet though since it was in the outer rim.

Serran looked at the fuel tank. It needed to get refilled soon. He thought about where he could stop to refuel. He then remembered that he would have to stop at Anaxes to reroute. Gossec said that there were many shipyards there. He could easily refuel there.

Serran took off the hot damp parka. He then held the kyber crystal in his hand. It pulsed exactly like a heartbeat.

He could finally bleed the crystal. He sat down on the floor of the ship, just behind the cockpit, and laid the kyber crystal down. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes whilst reaching out his hands. He focused all of his energy and emotion; he remembered his brother and how he had abandoned him on Coruscant. He remembered how Meera and Seth had tried saving him. He remembered killing Seth. He remembered nearly starving to death in the lower levels of Coruscant. The memories flooded into his mind and his anger grew and grew.

He remembered how Bonaptu had stolen all of his money and wasted it on gambling. He remembered the fight with Narris and how she screwed everything up yet also made everything better. Serran flung open his eyes and let all of his rage out into the kyber crystal. He poured all of his emotion into it. He poured all of his rage, regret, sorrow and fear into the small crystal. The crystal whistled loudly as if it were screaming in pain.

"Agh, shut up!" Serran yelled at the kyber crystal. It had no effect. The whistling became louder and louder until it was almost unbearable. Red electricity shot out from the crystal and zapped Serran's hands. He yelled out in pain but kept bleeding the crystal.

The red electricity strengthened and shot out all over the place. Red lines ran across the crystal. Serran then thrust out with the darkside, hoping to end this soon. The electricity scattered across the ship and hit him multiple times. The whistling became louder and  then suddenly stopped.

Serran looked down at the kyber crystal. It was completely blood red and was oozing with darkside energy. He held it up to his face and stared at it. It was magnificent. Serran got up and was instantly hit with a wave of nausea  and dizziness. He grabbed onto the back of the pilot seat and collapsed into it.

He was exhausted and in pain. His hands were numb from all of the electricity and he was still recovering from the attack on Ilum.

Next was to refuel at Anaxes but it would be a while until he arrived. Until then, he would quietly recover while traveling through hyperspace.

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