Chapter 5: The Valley of the Dark Lords

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Gossec lay on the floor of the ship. He and Serran were still traveling through hyperspace but they would arrive at Korriban soon. Serran was practicing form seven and was slashing the pipe around violently. He was both nervous and excited to finally going to Korriban.

"So what are you going to do when you get to Korriban?" Gossec asked. He sat up and crossed his legs.

"I already told you." Serran said, trying to stay focused. He attempted to throw the pipe into his open hand whilst spinning it above him. He almost caught it but his hand slipped and he ended up dropping it.

"Yeah, but like, what will you do? Where are you going to go? What are you going to study?" Gossec asked. He wanted to join Serran on his journey.

Serran groaned. "I want to explore the Valley of the Dark Lords first. There, I can learn who the ancient Sith Lords were. Something that's troubling though is that the jedi cleared out almost all of the tombs there hundreds to thousands of years ago." Serran explained, annoyed.

"Interesting. Mind if I go with you?" Gossec asked nonchalantly.

"What?" Serran asked, confused. Why would Gossec want to go with him? They've only known each other for less than a day and besides, he didn't have any combat skills.

"I mean, why not. I don't have any orders for a while and I want to go to Korriban with you. I can watch your back." Gossec said with a smile. Serran didn't trust a single thing he said. Gossec on the other hand trusted him with his life.

"No. You're weak and fragile. You don't even know how to use the force even though you're force sensitive. You would-"

"I'm force sensitive?" Gossec asked with wonder, joy and confusion in his eyes.

"Of course you are. How did you not notice? I knew when we first met. You give off a faint force energy." Serran explained. Gossec's jaw dropped.

"I'm force sensitive?!" He yelled with a huge smile.

"Yes. Not enough to be considered a jedi or sith though. You would certainly die out there. Do you even have any combat skills?" Serran scolded.

"I'm pretty accurate with a blaster." Gossec suggested. He looked at the computer. They would arrive at Korriban in just a short while. "We should strap in. We're almost there." He said.

After a few minutes, they arrived at Korriban. The planet was all shades of red and orange and grey. "Hold on tight. We're entering the atmosphere." Gossec said as he held a lever tightly. The ship descended into the atmosphere. As they got closer to the ground, Serran saw just how empty the planet was after the war. Everything was a dusty red and orange and there were buildings that had been reduced to rubble.

Serran closed his eyes and let the force guide him to the Valley of the Dark Lords. "Go that way." He pointed out the window. They turned.

"How do you know where to go? I thought that-"

"Shut up. Keep going straight." Serran interrupted. Gossec shrugged it off.

Serran focused only on the force and tuned out the sounds of the ship. They were almost there. He could feel the darkside energy pulsing through his veins from the planet. This energy made Gossec uneasy.

"Are you sure that this is a good-"

"Start descending." Serran interrupted again. He opened his eyes and glanced at Gossec. His eyes were wide but not in his usual happy way. He looked uneasy and unsettled like he was about to vomit.

"I don't like how this place feels." Gossec said in a worried voice.

"I can tell." Serran responded. Gossecs face lit up.

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