14. Finally back

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Enid's pov:

I was finally allowed to leave the hospital. As i arrived back at Nevermore i was greeted by all my friends. ,,Welcome back!'' Yoko gave me a tight hug holding me close. I smiled hugging her back. ,,It's great to be back'' i softly smiled as we all walked towards the school. As i finally arrived back at my dorm i opened the door and saw Wednesday standing in the middle of the room. ,,Welcome back Enid'' she softly said as i closed the door behind me dropping my bags. 

,,Thank you, i see you kept the dorm in good state as i was gone'' i chuckled giving her a soft smile. She gave a small nod as she walked up to me handing me a box. ,,What's this?'' i look down at the box she had put into my hands. ,,It's a welcome back present'' she mumbled taking a step back waiting for me to open it. 

I quickly opened it seeing a pink fluffy teddy bear in it. Tears started to form in my eyes. ,,What's wrong, don't you like it?'' she looked at me confused. ,,No no, i love it. it's just- you gave me this in the dream i had too-'' i wiped away my tears holding it tight. ,,do you remember why i gave it to you?'' she asked curiously. ,,I came out of the hospital after i saved you from Tyler who had suddenly returned. You gave me that as an welcome back present too'' i softly smiled. 

Wednesday's pov:

,,What a coincidence..'' i mumbled walking towards my desk. 'I wonder what happened in that dream of hers, she's acting rather strange around me.' i wonder to myself as i sit down at my type writer. ,,Oh right Enid, Ajax told me i had to tell you there will be a party tonight to welcome you back'' i turn around looking towards her. ,,Ooh! are you coming too?'' she asks me excitedly. ,,Never in my life am i going to a teenage party.'' i coldly say facing my type writer. I hear her getting closer and leaning against my chair. ,,Please, i would love it if you'd be there..'' i let out a sigh as i start writing on my type writer.

,,If you quit your whining ill think about it.'' i bluntly say ,,now let me write in silence.'' i continue typing. ,,Thank you so much!'' she excitedly grabs her bags and begins unpacking her stuff. I cant help but look at her a few times to make sure she's actually there and that im not dreaming like the past few weeks. I kept having dreams she would return. 

I sigh in relieve as i realize im not dreaming this time. I totally dislike party's but maybe for once i'll just go, just to make her happy. i continue writing in silence for the next hour. As the hour passes i get off my chair and i walk towards Enid who is sitting on her bed. ,,I have decided im going to come along to the party'' i mumble. Her eyes go wide and she gets excited. ,,Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!'' she gets up and hugs me tight. I stand there uncomfortably waiting for her to let go. 

Enid's pov:

,,Sorry..'' i softly say as i let her go. ,,Im gonna see what dress i'll wear.'' she walks into the closet. Without thinking i follow her inside. We look at eachother in silence before she finally speaks up. ,,Are you gonna ask me anything yet?'' she coldly says holding a beautiful black dress she was about to change into. ,,Oh uhm sorry, i actually don't know why i walked in here'' I quickly walked out. 'O my gosh im so stupid, i guess i thought it was still of those closet moments i had in my dream..' i think to myself sitting on my bed. 

I sit down in embarrassment as she walks out of the closet standing infront of me. ,,Is this nice?'' i look up at her and my eyes widen. ,,Whoa you look amazing!'' thing appears from out of the door who puts his thumb up. ,,Hey thing!''  i happily say as he waves back at me. He crawls on my bed as we talk for a bit. 

,,You should put on some nice clothes, we gotta go soon'' Wednesday mumbles as she finished putting her hair in a bun. ,,Alright!'' i quickly went into the closet and put on a light colored pink dress. ,,Ready to go?'' i say as i walk back into the room. I notice her staring at me and quickly look away. ,,Yeah let's go..'' she mumbles as she walks out of the dorm with me following behind. 


Hello everyone!

it's been a bit since i've posted a new chapter, im sorry it's a little short!

im currently very busy with school, work and im following an internship. 

I'll try my best to post another chapter soon <3

thank you all for reading and commenting on my book!

I'll see ya'll soon ^^

Words; 845

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