10. A little too much alcohol..?

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Narrative pov: 

It had been a couple days later and Enid was allowed to return to her classes. As she was walking out of class with Yoko and Divina they were interrupted by Xavier and Kent who seemed pretty excited as they ran up to the girls. ,,Woah jeez calm down, why so excited?'' Yoko said wondering looking at the two. ,,We are organizing this big party and we were wondering if yall wanted to come? we were able to get alcohol!'' Kent said excited but not too loud so the teachers wouldn't hear. 

,,Yeah right, and in the end it's gonna be chaos because everyone is too drunk'' Divina speaks up looking at Yoko who had gotten way too drunk at the last party. ,,Alright don't bring me into this-'' She says glaring at Divina. ,,What about you Enid, You coming?'' Xavier looks over at Enid who seems to question if it's a good idea or not. ,,Wednesday is coming t-'' Kent was gonna finish what he was saying but Enid suddenly got excited.

 ,,Wait hold up since when?'' Enid said not believing any of it. ,,We asked her before you guys and she seemed to be pretty interested i guess'' Xavier gave a soft smile hoping Enid would come too now. ,,Alright i guess ill come too'' Enid said looking at Yoko and Divina. ,,Yeah sure why not'' they both agreed to come too. ,,So when is this party?'' Yoko said looking at the clock seeing it was 4 pm right now. ,,It's starting at 9pm at Xavier's shed'' Kent said as he and Xavier walked off to invite more people. 

Enid pov:

,,I did not expect Wednesday to go to a party like that'' Divina chuckled as we walked further towards our dorms. ,,Me neither, i wonder what changed her mind this time'' I said as i waved my friends goodbye and entered the dorm happy to have some rest after a long day of school. I noticed Wednesday wasn't back yet so i sat down on my bed and noticed Thing walking up to me. ,,Hey Thing, you also coming to the party tonight?'' I curiously ask as i grab my phone. ,,Yep i've also been invited'' He signed. ,,great! want me to do your nail for the party?'' I grabbed some nail polish as Thing crawled on my bed getting ready for me to put on nail polish. 

,,I always enjoy our quality time like this'' i smile as i open the nail polish bottle and start to do Thing's nails. After a while i finish and i look back at the door noticing Wednesday had still not returned. ,,You like your nails Thing?'' I softly smile trying to get it off my mind. ,,Yeah it's looking great'' He signed seeming pretty happy. I look at my phone as sent Wednesday a quick text. She promised me she would charge her phone now everyday so i could text her if something's wrong. 

I got a text back soon enough 'Im at Eugene's, Ill be there soon ma cheri' I blushed looking at the text. ,,She's so amazing..'' i mumble as i send a text back. 'Alright, see you soon love' I put away my phone walking into the bathroom to take a bath. I take my clothes off and fill the bath with water and soap, i get in as it has been fully filled and take a couple minutes to relax. After a bit i get out of the bathtub and i dry myself off and binding the towel around my body. I walk out of the bathroom and walk over to the closet to change into a cute dress for the party. 

,,Alright what do you think Thing?'' I walk out the closet wearing a cute pink dress. ,,You look amazing Enid'' Thing signs. ,,You indeed look amazing'' I hear Wednesday's voice behind me seeing her stand next to the dorm door as i turn around. I walk up to her with a bright smile wrapping my arms around her. ,,I didn't know you were going to the party'' I say placing a kiss on her lips. ,,I already had a feeling you would go and i heard there would be alcohol and someone has to keep an eye on you'' She says returning the kiss. 

,,i don't even drink alot, you should keep an eye on Yoko she's the one who got drunk last time'' i chuckle letting go off her. ,,Im gonna go change into something nicer'' she says as she leaves to the closet to change her clothes. After a bit she gets out the closet and i smile looking at how beautiful she looks. ,,You look so pretty Weds'' she stands there awkwardly. ,,We should go soon, It's gonna start in a bit'' I say to break the silence walking towards Wednesday holding her for a moment. ,,You sure you wanna go?'' 

Feelings For Wednesday? Never. {Wednesday x enid}Where stories live. Discover now