8. The full moon shines upon us

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Enid pov:

I arrived at Yoko's dorm during the evening and walked in without knocking. ,,Oh my gosh Yoko you don't believe what i did.'' i say walking up to her my face getting red thinking about it. ,,Whoa calm down what did you do and why are your ears and tail out?'' she looks at me worried that i did something bad. ,,I may or may not have kissed Wednesday..'' I say covering my face as Yoko laughs ,,Jeez i thought you killed someone'' she chuckled covering her mouth trying not to laugh.

,,I started turning while she kissed me!'' I say covering my ears. ,,I mean its gonna be a full moon tonight ofcourse you'd turn if your getting so excited'' she smiles trying to comfort me. ,,She called me.. cara Mia?'' i said confused about what it meant. ,,Did not expect Wednesday to give nicknames not gonna lie'' Yoko says looking pretty surprised. ,,What does it mean tho-'' i say crossing my arms wagging my tail impatiently, ,,It means my beloved'' i feel my face turning red again as i cover my face with my shirt. ,,But.. what about Xavier i mean they also kissed right?'' I nod my head trying to forget about it ,,She told me he kissed her and she didn't return the kiss'' 

Yoko laid her hands on my shoulders ,,Listen Enid, if she really loves you she will be honest with Xavier about it but if she breaks your heart im gonna be the one talking to her'' she says seeming pretty serious as she pat my head. ,,Your so adorable with those ears tho'' i smile hugging her tight. ,,Thank you Yoko, for being there for me'' she was quiet for a moment and then hugged me back. ,,No problem pup'' 

Wednesday pov:

I was walking towards the Weathervane with Eugene, i couldn't dare bring up what happened today as i wasn't even sure myself what to think of it. ,,So how's it going with you and Enid?'' He asks as he held my hand. Eugene was the only person that is allowed to hold my hand, Well.. maybe Enid too..? ,,Uhm, you know just like usual'' i say as we enter the Weathervane. 

,,And between you and Xavier?'' i looked back at him and wanted to say what i was thinking but would he even know what i mean. ,,Been alright, he's been totally obsessed with me ever since and im not sure if i return his deep feelings for me'' i mumble sitting down on a comfy couch. Eugene sat on the other side of the table and we ordered our coffee's. 

,,Have you tried giving him a chance by trying to be in a relationship?'' He asks curiously noticing my emotions were laying higher then usual. ,,We've been going on dates and still im not sure if i like him'' i say sounding pretty cold. It was starting to turn dark and my mind went on Enid 'I hope she's gonna be okay with Yoko' i think to myself looking at the moon that is slowly appearing.

 ,,Let me guess, your thinking about the full moon knowing it's gonna be Enid's second time to let her werewolf out and your worried she's gonna hurt herself'' I looked back at Eugene surprised as he just smiles. ,,How did you-'' He interrupts me before i could finish. ,,Wednesday i know you longer then today and even though you decide to not show your feelings and be cold to people, i notice when your behavior changes and i can notice you care alot about Enid'' 

,,Your right, i might be worrying a little i guess.'' i say calmly. We finally get our coffee's and i start to slowly drink mine as Eugene continues to talk. ,,Why don't you call her to see if she's alright?'' he says giving me his phone since mine was still not charged. ,,Im not sure what to say.'' i stare at the screen as i find Enid's phone number and i struggle to press call. ,,Just do it and ask how she's doing okay?'' I nod and press call waiting for Enid to pick up. 

'Hello Eugene what's wrong?' I hear from the phone as Eugene chuckles. 'It's me Wednesday..' I say mumbling a little as i thought of what to say. 'Oh hey Weds, What did you call me for?' she seems relaxed and it made me feel alot less worried. 'How are you doing with the full moon?' i say looking at Eugene who is also listening along giving me a thumbs up.

Feelings For Wednesday? Never. {Wednesday x enid}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt