Chapter 2

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The four brothers stuck to the shadows as they headed through the sewers.

According to Don's tunnel scanner, foot were approximately twenty feet ahead, unmoving.

"No doubt this a trap", Raph whispered, his voice low and rough.

Leo couldn't help the sudden spike of irritation that erupted in him when he heard his brother's voice.

"No shell," he snapped back.

Strangely, Raphael didn't respond, instead choosing to remain silent and scan the surroundings as if he hadn't heard Leo at all. Leonardo became even more furious as a result, but Don put his hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Mikey cast a worried gaze Raphael's way. At the lair, he had soothed his brother's anxiety by assuring him that he was unharmed. They had just barely avoided a full-blown panic episode, but Mikey had no doubt that if anything had set off his brother, they would be facing just that.

"You're with me, Mikey. You are with Raph, Don. Stay in the shadows and wait for me to initiate contact before coming out."

All but Raphael nodded along with the others. Leo lowered his gaze.

"Raph, you hear me?" he demanded, his rage escalating once more.

Raphael focused his attention on his elder brother. Leo was a little taken aback to see him acting so reservedly, with no sign of excitement or annoyance shown in his faces.

He evenly responded, "I hear you," and then turned to go with Don by his side.

Leo sighed and retreated into the darkness on his own side after watching Raph leave.

Mikey muttered, "Leo".

"What?" Without even turning to look at his younger brother, Leo murmured back.

Mikey scowled at his moody eldest brother, but carried on with what he was about to say.

"Could you please... give Raph a break?"

Leo paused and exhaled deeply before turning to look at Mikey with a fury on his face.


When it was a bit louder than he liked, Leo put a stop to it. He whispered "Why?" one more.

Mikey's words was cut short by a noise.

Raphael suddenly appeared among the adversaries as the two turned and gasped in shock. Don is closely following. Leo hissed, his rage boiling.

"He is never able to just listen!" Leo states.

Mikey scowled. Raphael wouldn't put them in danger on purpose, so something else must have happened, he reasoned. 'Sides, why hadn't Don stopped Raph before he committed such an impetuous act when he knew Don would have?

Mikey was startled out of his thoughts when the ninja charged him. He grumbled and pulled out his nunchucks.

With his katanas drawn and ready for war, Leo charged the area encircling his brothers Don and Raph. Raph was being overpowered, but Don was holding his own.

Raph teased, "About time you showed up fearless."

Leo lost it, his rage erupting in waves.

"Simply put, Raph! You never think!" Leo yelled.

Raphael stopped fighting and looked at his brother startled before an irate expression crept over his own face.

"You always dive in head first and don't give anyone else a second thought. You are self-centered, and we will both die as a result of your carelessness!"

"Leo, I really think you need too..." started Don, but Leo once again interrupted.

"No, Don; he must be taught this. I'm going to tell Master Splinter about it when we get home, and I'm going to ask him to remove you from the team until you can control your emotions."

"Wha..." Raph sputtered, shocked at his brothers words.

Donnie began, "Leo..." but Leo again disregarded his brother's advice.

"Raph, you will eventually push yourself too far, and I won't step in to help you on that occasion. Since you will have caused it for yourself, nobody else will."

While listening to his brother's words, Raph remained silent and tripped over his own feet. His expression was expressionless.

"Raph, I hate you sometimes."

Even Raphael was shocked when Don gasped. Mikey was equally as shocked by what Leo had just stated. Raphael was past hearing, but Leonardo didn't appear to notice their fear or glances as he just kept babbling.

His brother hates him?

Raph clenched his eyes and fought back a sob.

"Leo look out!" yelled Mikey.

Raph snapped open his eyes just in time to see a gun in the arms of two of the foot, aiming towards his older brother. While he was angry and hurt by Leo's words, he believed they were true and he deserved them.

Rushing, he pushed his brother out of the way.

Family // TMNT Raph centric-fanficWhere stories live. Discover now