The Govener

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    Ivy groggily opened her eyes, her head felt light, her body heavy. Lolling her head to the side she saw a sleeping Daryl sat in a chair. After a moment she pulled herself up, leaning towards his chair and touching his face. The man jumped, eyes wide, before hugging her tightly.

    "I'm okay, I'm here..." she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. The affection caught her off guard but was welcomed.

    "You are the last one to wake up, everyone was worried." He pressed his face into her shoulder, not caring how weak he felt. He wouldn't tell her that they had to use the breathing tube on her, that they almost lost her. She was here now, and that's all that mattered to him.

    "How's the kids?-" Before she could finish her question booming echoed in the building. The two locked eyes before she hurried and shoved her boots on, ignoring her dizzy state.

    "Here, Ivy." He hurried and handed her katana to her, earning a nod of thanks before they ran out. Their hearts sank at the sight, there he was, the man she wanted to kill, the Governor, on a tank.

    "Beth, sit Judith in her carrier, we need to keep her low in case anything happens." Ivy ordered quietly, earning a nod. Rick had been talking to the Governor, attempting to reason with him, but it felt like slow motion when they dragged Michonne and Hershel out. The Greene sisters cried out, seeing their father being sat down.

    "We can all live here! It doesn't have to be this way." Rick all but begged, everyone on pins and needles, ready to shoot.


    All that filled Ivy's ears were cries and gunshots after the Governor sliced Hershel's head clean off. Memories of Hershel flew through her mind, but she knew what she had to do. Everyone continued to fight until they all scattered, but Ivy remembered one who couldn't run.

    She crouched, and quietly walked to where they left Judith.

    "Hey baby, let's get out of here." She whispered, picking her up. A stray bullet grazed Ivy's arm, blood splattering on the carrier.

    "Son of a bitch! Damn it, that would of been useful to have... Let's get you some stuff we need." Running inside she threw baby formula and diapers into a bag along with odd and end things Judith would need, and a couple cans of food for herself. Water was thrown into the side pouches.

    "I need to be able to fight and carry you..." she whispered, thinking, looking around for ideas. Finally she tied two hoodies together and tied them on herself, sitting Judith in it on her chest.

    "We will find a real one when we get out of here." She knew she was simply talking to a baby, but she was now her main priority until she found the others.

    Sneaking through the back she made her way through the woods, Judith asleep on her chest. She needed to find a place for the night, a place for them both to lay down. Her mind was racing, was everyone alive? Hershel was gone, did Michonne escape? She got split off from Daryl, was he alive? She has one of the kids but what about the other two? She didn't know what to do. Everyone in her mind was dead and gone because they weren't here.

    After a few hours of walking she came across a little house next to a railroad track, the house looked decently untouched which she was thankful for. Judith cooed at Ivy, grabbing for her loose hair.

    "You like this place too Jude? Let's check it out and then make you some food, huh?" She smiled, and walking up and knocking on the window. After a few minutes it stayed silent, so she tried opening the door, it being locked.

    "Well shit far." She muttered, running a hand through her hair. When her hand felt a pin she smiled, pulling it out of her hair.

    "Thank god for Maggie." She muttered, shoving it into the key hole while wedging her knife on the side of the door. After a few moments of shimmying it around, the door popped open.

    "Ah hell yeah. Let's make you some food sweetheart." She exclaimed, walking in.

    Little did she know there were survivors with the same thoughts as her, and soon they would meet again.

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