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It had been a little bit since the towns people joined the small group, it didn't bother Ivy but it took some getting use to. But, the extra hands was most certainly useful. She had been working mainly on crops and with Hershel, but since people weren't always sick, she also helped out on runs.

    "Hey Ivy, come here a second." She heard Rick call out, she wiped her hands of dirt and ran over, hands on her hips.

    "Glenn and Daryl are gonna go out on a run with some of the towns people, was wondering if you could go too. Sasha's gonna be there as well. A guy named Bob they found on the road wants to prove his worth." He explains, leaning on his shovel.

    "You have a good sense of figuring out people. You also have a keen eye, so I want you to go. Report anything you find untrustworthy, and maybe if you can find some clothes for the women and kids." She nodded, glad to get away from the prison. He patted her shoulder, thanking her before walking away. Ivy was glad the man was getting back to normal after the loss of Lori.

"Rick said y'all need extra hands. Just so happens I want new clothes." Glenn gave the woman a large smile, nodding. Daryl let his side graze against her as he walked past, earning a nod from the woman. She was still pissed at him for leaving, but she knew in this world you never know when you're going to lose someone. Holding a grudge is useless.

    She watched as Beth and her boyfriend exchanged goodbyes, or more so just the boyfriend. Part of her envied the girl, she hasn't had a relationship in who knows how long, but the other part of her knew having a romantic partner was dangerous. You'd risk losing someone you loved.

    "You ridin' with me?" Daryl broke her from her thoughts, looking at her expectingly as he sat on his bike. Nodding she got on, wrapping her arms around his waist. She had missed it, riding with him.

"How come you're still sleeping in that little cell?" Daryl asked as they cruised down the highway. He didn't expect to but he missed her sleeping in the perch with him. He also knew she hated being in the tiny cell. Ivy pressed her cheek into his back, letting out a heavy breath.

"Didn't think you'd want me back in there. Didn't seem to like it when I was." Clenching his jaw he thought of a response, he didn't want to seem like a desperate "bitch" but he wanted her back in there.

"Move your stuff back in when we get back." After that it was complete silence to the store.

"I got it, homicide detective." Beth's boyfriend guessed, a proud look on his face. Michonne and Ivy cackled, Daryl shooting them a dirty look.

"Daryl may know how to track but I don't think he'd throw people in the slammer." Ivy smirked, Michonne elbowing her with a grin.

"Well Ms.Downel I know what you are, but I don't know what Daryl and Michonne are. Ivy rolled her eyes, a smirk now coming to Daryl's face. She had told the boy many times to just call her Ivy, but he refused, saying doctors and nurses should be respected.

    Knocking on the glass they waited, they didn't want ambushed by stray walkers in the building. If they were in there, they'd come towards the noise.

    "Imma hunt down some clothes for everyone, especially the kids. I swear here soon Sophia is gonna be stealing my clothes. Gotta get her something before she steals my good shit." Michonne patted the woman's back, an evil smile adjourning her face.

    "You mean like your green tshirt?" Ivy looked at her in shock, eyes wide.

    "That was you? I blamed her for it you ass! That's my favorite damn shirt!" Michonne giggled wildly, Glenn holding back a laugh.

    "My shirt now," with that Michonne opened the door, bowing while waving to enter. The group soon entered the building, not knowing what lied ahead, or on top.


Folks what on earth happened? I had to leave for a bit to move across country and when I come back there are OVER 5k READS?! THANK YALL SO MUCH BUT WHAT ON EARTH DID YALL DO??? Anyway thank y'all so much, that was lovely to see after a big move! Hope y'all enjoy as I write more ✨✨

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