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    Much to Ivy's dismay Rick had set out with Hershel and Daryl in tow, which normally wouldn't bother her, if it wasn't for where they were going. They were meeting with the Governor. It made her want to grind her teeth, the fact they were willing to go talk. She wanted to shoot him dead, and she would even if an agreement was made.

    "Hey." Ivy snapped out of her thoughts, looking over to the voice, seeing Michonne. Michonne held something in her hand, causing the ginger woman to quirk a brow.

    "I, um... I know what happened, and I want to give you something I found while scavenging, something stronger than a little knife." Watching her unwrap it, Ivy stared at the katana. Handing her the blade, she examined it. The handle was a matte green aligned with golden leaves, the blade engraved with small flowers.

    "I was out searching for weapons, food in case we got stuck in here and found someone's collection of katanas, figured that one fit your style." Ivy gave the woman a smile, standing and hugging her, ignoring the woman's tense stature, knowing she does the same.

    "You gonna teach me to be a blade master like you are?" Michonne let out a small laugh, enjoying the woman's humor.

    "Yeah, I'll teach you to be a ninja." The woman laugh together, Carl and Sophia walking up.

    "Woah, cool blade." Carl awed, staring at the blade. Ivy smiled and elbowed Michonne, tilting her head towards her.

    "Kick ass Michonne over here found me it while out on a run, I'm gonna be the coolest samurai you've ever seen." She teased, Sophia giggling.

    "Beside from me, of course." Michonne added, causing Ivy to let out a quiet snort.

    "Yes, Master Michonne, teach me you're slicing, ass kicking ways." With a smile, Michonne rolled her eyes. She didn't want to admit it but the woman was growing on her. Ivy was the type of person to grow on most people, even with her fiery attitude. Hearing the sound of Daryl's bike, they walked outside to see the situation.

     "We will talk inside." Was all Rick had to say when they walked out, causing Ivy to worry. Daryl looked like he had a million thoughts on his mind, he also saw the new katana that adjourned Ivy's back.

    "He wants us dead. He wants this prison. So Ivy was right, we are going to war." The group fell silent after his words. They all knew what this meant; the fight for their home was sooner than they could ever imagine.

    Everyone separated after that, but Ivy watched as they pulled Merle to the side, something that made her worry. Why was there
more to say, and why was it to him?

    "What was that about?" Daryl chewed his thumb at the woman's question. She didn't know how to tell her, it wasn't easy to tell someone that there was an offer like this. To trade someone for peace. He asked for either Michonne or Ivy, so how was he suppose to tell her that? Rick thankfully instantly shot down the Ivy idea, but nonetheless. He knew Ivy took a liking to the woman. So what was he suppose to say?

    "Don't matter." He didn't want to lie to her face, he already hurt her once.

    "The hell you mean it don't matter? You guys come back, tell us they want us all dead, then happen to bring an asshole psycho to the side to say something and it doesn't matter?" She argued, causing the man to groan and rub a hand down his face. He said he wouldn't say anything, and he doesn't want to scare her.

    "She's got you wrapped 'round her finger." He recalled mentally, the words from his brother sinking in but also angering him. Why did he care so much about her? It made him want to pull at his hair in anger.

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