"I don't know what you mean by that, but I don't think you have to worry about that. You show your emotions perfectly, just like any other human being." Evan states ignorantly.

Nigel was back to looking at him, aware that Evan's lips were moving, but he didn't know what exactly he said. Except, he didn't want to know right then. He was content not knowing at all because he knew he probably said something that wasn't true.

Not that he had much to go off of anyway.

"To truly answer your question, malls are fine to me." Nigel decides to lie, causing Evan to sigh in relief.

Not realizing the realness behind Nigel's words at all.

"I don't have to hear all the unnecessary noise and others conversations. Just put my full concentration onto one person." Nigel lies, but at the same time, told the truth.

He looked back at Evan and saw him just driving. When he settled his eyes back onto the road he began to feel a little bit uncomfortable. Especially when they reached a point on the highway and he felt his body stiffen.

Evan drove at the right speed on the highway, but he didn't realize that this was the first time he's ever driven Nigel somewhere like this. Somewhere onto the highway because before with others, it's always not been the highway. To get to the mall, they had to travel by interstate.

Nigel's arms began to fold, looking down at his lap as he didn't want to look at the highway. Evan now noticing such an unusual action and glanced at him for a moment.

"Are you good?" Evan ends up asking.

He was aware that Nigel was looking down and therefore, heard nothing. His full focus was on the fact that they were on the highway. He had no interest in looking up and trying to force a conversation.

The reality that he could possibly crash again was all that ran rampant in his mind.

Evan looked back up, beginning to drive off the highway as they were only two minutes away from the mall. He stopped at a light now, reaching over as he pushed Nigel back up.

When he saw his face, he saw the complete stress written all over it.

"Nigel what's wrong?"

"The light..." Nigel croaked, causing Evan to frown.


"The light! The light is green!" Nigel exclaimed nervously as he looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was honking. He couldn't hear the honks, but he would imagine he could tell by someone's expression inside their car.

Evan faced back forward, driving now and getting them to the mall. Once he did, he parked the car and rushed out of it. Going onto Nigel's side, he grabbed his arm.

"We're here...so if that makes you feel any better..." Evan drifts, looking at Nigel and saw him look over at him now. "I'm going to assume...it had something to do with being on the highway, right? Did you have your crash on a highway?"

When he asked that, he saw Nigel nod slowly. He immediately felt bad as he cradled Nigel's face.

"I'm sorry... That's the only way to get here, there's no side street direction - if that makes sense."

"Of course it does. I just wasn't prepared for it was all. I'm highly aware...that to get to the mall, you have to take the highway. It's the action of doing it that I wasn't prepared for. If I had been, you wouldn't have seen this side of me. I didn't prepare for it all because we were talking."

"True...you were going on about worrying if you showed true emotion, not enough emotion, too much emotion... I think you showed it perfectly here."

Nigel frowned, seeing Evan rest his fingers onto his cheek. His thumb settling on his lips.

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