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Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan


Evan didn't even bother looking as he heard Sal shout his name from outside his car. He waited until Sal was right on the window and glaring inside.

He lowered the window barely an inch, seeing him point at him.

"You fucking said Nigel wasn't going to run for ho-co King, yet why is he on the ballot?!"

"I can't control Nigel's actions," Evan grins at him, looking over to the side as he saw Nigel sitting in his car, "Who do you think I am?"

"I thought you were my friend, but I should've known. You've been acting so fucking sketchy lately with how you have handled the situations towards Terrance and Owen. And all for what?" Sal questioned him angrily, causing Evan to not bother responding.

The reason was so obvious.

Sal stormed away from the car now, Evan sighing as he looked back at Nigel. He saw him grinning at him and he rolled back up the window.

"You weren't reading his lips right?"

"Nope, I have no idea what he said, and I don't care." Nigel stated with much certainty. "If I cared, I would've gotten out of the car and spoke to him myself. He makes himself so obvious. I know he probably saw my name on the ballot. Why else would he look so angry? People's anger amuses me greatly."

Evan smiled at him, beginning to start his car.

"Well, now that we got that mess out of the way, I think there's a place we should go. It's like what I said, I'm going to help you in any way I can to win. To win you need to grab people's attention more than you ever have before." Evan drove out of the parking lot, already aware of what he was about to do. "I wanted to change you up even before all of this, but...to think it's happening either way?"

Evan glanced over, seeing Nigel looking right at his lips. He began to smirk as he faced back forward.

"Do malls bother you?"

Nigel looked at Evan without breaking from his face. He wondered if his reasons for asking were for the reasons he thought. Except, he was aware that he never did tell him the predicament of Nigel's mindset.

He never had to tell anyone, the only ones aware were his family. There was no need to tell anyone because he functioned through society just fine, perfectly even. Even if that was the case, that didn't mean that what he was putting out there for others was really him.

For himself as well...he wasn't sure.

Yet, he felt like when Evan was at his house, he felt most normal then somehow.

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh, uh..." Evan smiled awkwardly, wondering if his reason for asking would be awkward, "Because you're going to a place that's full of noise and talking people, but you can't hear any of it. Does that bother you at all?"

Nigel found himself scoffing, facing back forward. That caused Evan to feel awkward as he wondered if him asking that was wrong. Only to see Nigel shake his head.

"I don't mind the silence, I've already told you that before. I've kept this to myself before but, it's mainly just the pure amount of emotions that surround me. It makes me uncertain and throws me off on if I'm showing enough, not enough, too much..." Nigel ends up saying that much without looking back at Evan.

Unaware that he confused Evan, but he didn't need to look to know that. It was more obvious than anything else.

Evan wondered what he meant by that and to what degree. Why would he question his own emotions when he showed them just fine?

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