Chapter 2

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Reniyah Andrea Moore

(Ruh-niy-yuh) - Niyah - Linah

Chapter 2: Alone

I kept pulling from the jay, hoping my nerves would go down. My anxiety was sky high and I was hoping that smoking would numb whatever I was feeling. I took another pull before seeing Gabriella walk in, sitting on my bed.

"Listen," Gabriella mumbled, "Dre has nowhere to go so he's going to be staying here with us for a while. I tried to get ma to reconsider, but she kept defending him, saying he needed us."

I took another puff of the jay, feeling my nerves spike back up. "I can't deal with this shit," I sighed. Tears began welling in my eyes once more and my vision became blurry. "It's just like no matter how far I try to get away from him, he always comes back. Whether it's in real life or in my dreams. I just want him to leave me alone," I cried.

Gabriella hugged me and I cried silently in her arms. No matter what happened, I could always count on her to be by my side.

"I know Linah, I know," Bri exhaled. "But I'm here for you, and I'll make sure he doesn't come near you."

I muttered "okay" under my breath and ended the hug, finishing the blunt in my hand. "Is everyone still downstairs?" I asked, rubbing my stomach. I had been upstairs, isolated in my room for hours and was hungry.

"The only people downstairs is Duce, Summer, and Dre. Ma went in her room" Bri explained. "She made some shrimp alfredo earlier, I can bring you some."

"Please," I thanked. She gave me a solemn smile and made her way downstairs.

I went to the bathroom mirror, cleaning my face up. I washed my hands and slowly made my way down the stairs. In the kitchen, Duce was kissing all over Gabriella and I saw her laughing and smiling, her dimples showing. Dre was still on the couch, scrolling on his phone. He glanced at me for a second, but I ignored his presence. I didn't see Summer, so I figured she was probably in the room with my ma.

I grabbed a few seasonings, and sat the living room table, eating my food. Pulling out my phone, I saw I had two notifications. One notification was from Jade and another from an unknown number. Ignoring the unknown number, I tapped on Jade's message thread.


-Hey girl, I heard what happen. U okay?

--yeah, im fine.

-Are you sure? You can stay wimme for a tiny bit if u need to.

--I don't wanna be here but I don't wanna stress u either

-Linah, u don't stress me at all, yk I gotchu girly.

-im otw so get yo stuff ready n have money

--okay. imma tell my sis n thank you twin💕

I exited out of Jade's message and shut my phone off. I finished eating my food and went upstairs, packing a bunch of clothes in a duffle bag. I also packed essentials like deodorant, soap, perfume, toothbrush, toothpaste, and more. My phone began ringing and I saw Jade's contact flicker. I ignored the call and practically sped downstairs with my duffle bag and bookbag, yelling to my sis that I would be back in a few weeks.

I opened the door to Jade's all black 2011 Toyota Camry, being greeted with a "Hey".

I smiled and looked at her before replying, "hey". Jade took off and honestly, I forgot how much of a reckless driver she could be. I quickly put my seat belt on, not wanting to bump my head on the car roof.

"Sometimes I wonder how you got your driver's license with the way you drive" I yelled as wind blew in my face.

"I already told you" Jade rolled her eyes. "I took the driver's license exam so many times that the last time I took it, I barely passed and because they were so tired me of taking the test, they went ahead and gave me my license" she chuckled.

A part of me looked at her in disbelief through the mirror attached to the car before laughing. "Right."

"Soooo..." Jade continued. "There's a lil kickback tonight with a few friends, I figured it'd be cool if we slide thru and say hey to some people".

"Who all gon be there?"

"Just a few people, nothing too big."

"Fine, let's go then" I huffed. "But first let's drop by your house and get ready, plus I need to put my duffle bag somewhere".

"Okay girl" Jade cheesed, looking back at me.

As Jade drove us the way to her mom's house, my phone dinged again. I grabbed my phone from a side pocket of my pink duffle bag and saw another text from the unknown number. I open the text message thread, sighing.


10:54 PM: Save my number, this dude from earlier.

11:26PM: Don't go ta dat kickback.


I stared at the text thread, ignoring him. I barely know who he is and its weird that he'd tell me to not do something, as if he knew where I was going.

Within two seconds of looking up from my phone, we pulled up at Jade's house. We both walked in, carrying my bags. I saw Jade's mom, Crystal, in the kitchen cooking. When she saw me, she smilled and brought me into a big hug.

"Hey Niyahh" she exclaimed, resuming back her cooking.

"Hey momma, how you been?" I questioned.

"Good, good, and you hun" she smiled.

"Good too Mrs. Williams" I lied. Jade intervened the conversation, saying "Ma, we about to go out and Niyah staying here for a couple of weeks".

"Alright, y'all be safe and keep that location on or you go have something waiting fa yo ass when you get home" Crystal threatened.

Jade smirked and we made our way to her room, dropping my bags down.

I stood for second before hearing Jade dig through her closet, pulling out a cute skims dress in black.

"Cuteee" I squealed, and Jade stuck her tongue out at me.

"And is" she stated.

"Help me with my outfitttt" I whined, admiring Jade.

"Let me see what we go to work with" Jade laughed as I handed her my duffle-bag full of clothes.

I quietly watched Jade scrimmage through the bag before she pulled out a cute all-blue tight dress and a blue jean jacket.

"Thank youuu" I smiled. I went to the guest bathroom and began changing my clothes, also doing my hygiene. I had took my shower earlier, so I figured I'd take it when I get back from the kickback. I put on some cute black flats and a crystal necklace before knocking on Jade's room door.

"You done girl?" I asked, waiting at the door.

I watched the door open before seeing Jade behind it.

"Yeah girl, let's go" Jade said, following me downstairs.

"We leaving now ma" Jade yelled and we listened for an "okay" before locking the door.


The end of the second chapterrrrrr☺️
What y'all think? I like the story so far :)
I'm working on chapter 3 already 🤭
Thoughts on unknown dude?????👀
Place comments on stuff I can improve on<3
Thanks for reading and vote😛

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