
"Yeah, why not."

His face brightened.

"You can have the shotgun, Nyra." He promised and I didn't miss how Jessica glared at us. I breathed out heavily through nose. I hope Mike start giving her the attention instead of me.

Fortunately for me, when Lee arrived, he brought two extra people with him, and suddenly I found myself sitting in the back of Mike's car, while Bella took the front seat with Jessica in between her and Mike.

It was a fifteen minutes ride from Forks to La Push. We had our windows rolled down since it was getting claustrophobic. I had taken the seat behind Mike, and was enjoying the dense green forest edging most of the way, and wide Quillayute River snaking beneath it twice.

When we arrived at the beach, I inhaled the smell deeply. It's been so long I've came to a beach. Though, the scenery wasn't what I expected.

The water was dark grey, even in the sunlight, white-capped and heaving to the grey, rocky shore. Islands rose out of the steel harbor waters with sheer cliff sides, reaching to uneven summits, and crowned with austere, soaring firs. The beach had only a thin border of actual sand at the water's edge, after which it grew into millions of large, smooth stones that looked grey from the distance, but close up were every shade a stone could be: terra-cotta, sea green, lavender, blue gray, dull gold.

The view left me breathless. I was the first to reach the beach, as I practically ran towards it. Leaving everyone behind. Too bad the waves weren't high enough for surfing, but I promised myself to come back to check time to time.

I kicked my shoes off, and rolled my jeans to my knees before entering the water, and instantly regretted my decision.


The water was cold. Chilled. My toes were already numb by the time I got out of the water.

I heard laughter and snickers in the distance and looked up while pulling back my socks.

"Why would you do that?!" Tyler laughed.

I blushed in embarrassment as I struggle to put on my shoes. I remained silent and Bella came to help me stand when I was done. She too had a mocking smile on her face.

We picked our way near the fire circle, that was already in place, filled with black ashes. Mike and a boy, who's name I don't know, gathered the broken branches against the forest edge.

"Have you ever seen a driftwood fire?" He asked Bella once he build a tree-shaped structure over the dark circle.


"You'll like this then. Watch the colors." He said as he lit a small branch and put it beside the structure. And it soon started to burn.

"It's blue." Bella was surprised. And so was I. I've never seen a blue-green fire befor. Mike first contemplated whether to sit between Bella and Jessica, or stand beside me. He swiftly looked at me and I sent him a smile before turning my towards him to face the ocean.

I had no intention to sit anytime soon as I'd spent most of my time sitting since morning. When I looked back, he was sitting in the middle of the girls, talking to Jessica.

I decided to take a stroll near the water, so I took off. Slowly walking on the beach, while gazing at the waves feels so comforting, it makes me sleepy. If I could, I would build a tiny cottage near this beach so I can hear the sound of waves all day long.

After a half hour of just strolling back and forth, a small group of boys and Bella, approached me. Inviting me to the hike to nearby tidal pools.

Bella seemed slightly disappointed when I declined the offer. I rather stay here than save her from constantly falling down. They left and I continued my peaceful stroll.

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