Chapter 4

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The next morning, I took off as soon as I noticed Edward standing by his car, spitting some being late for my class excuse to Bella.

First half went with anxiety. Hyper sensitive of the weapon, kept in the front pocket of my jeans. It wasn't exactly a weapon, but the purpose for me to buy this sure made it look like a weapon. For most of the time, I feared of being caught for hiding a weapon, then I had to remind myself that it wasn't exactly a weapon.

It was during lunch, when Angela announced something which almost made me throw up.

"Why is Alice coming here?"

I snapped out of my daze, a soft buzzing sound of the school bell entered my ears, indicating that the lunch hour was already over. My head whirled as Alice approached father than before. My eyes shifted for a millisecond towards where Bella and Edward sat together, lost in their own world, before they went back to the pixie who stopped I'm front of me.

"Hi Nyra!" Her voice seems to twinkle making my heart stutter. I could feel all the eyes on me. The small rectangular weapon calmed my nerves a little as I put my hand over it.

"A-" I cleared my throat, embarassed when my voice broke. " can I help you?" My eyes flew to Jasper who stood not so far from his lover, his eyes on my face, observing. Atleast, he wasn't hungry today.

"Oh! So, you already knew I need your help. Fantastic!" She chirped, bouncing on her feet, while I looked down at in puzzlement. What did she meant by that? I have a feeling that she misunderstood my question for some reason.

I didn't say anything, waiting for her to continue as I shift from one foot to another. Clearly nervous as to what she has to say after looking at her giddiness.

"So, Jasper here," as if on cue, Jasper shifted from behind her. I gulped down hard as we met eyes once again, before I looked back at Alice who continued, "He needs help with history, he forgot to copy down some important stuff. If you don't mind, will you help him?"

That was a bold face lie! For me atleast.

"Uh sure! I can give you my notes." I managed to speak without wavering. Though, I bet they could tell how scared I was. Jasper could literally feel my fear.

"Oh no no!"

I stopped reaching for my bag, where I keep the notes.

"Jasper is not the type to take someone's notes home. Just let him copy from you in the history class, and don't worry he's a fast writer."

Now I was getting suspicious.

"You can give it back to me after class?" I proceed to unzip the chain of my bag, when a icy-cold hand stopped me. A tiny hand flew and rested on top of mine.

"Then how you're going to write down today's stuff? Let him sit with you. Please?" She gave my hand a slight squeeze.

Everything after that was a blur, I don't remember nodding my head when she pushed Jasper to my side.

I looked to my side, without turning my head, as to not alert the vampire who was coping down my stuff pretty fast. It made me almost fool myself in thinking that he really needed my help. Keyword almost.

He could've gone to anybody. There are many people who are better in studies than me. Also... Isn't he still practicing controlling his thirst?! Why did she let him sit beside me!? A human!

A strand of his honey coloured hair fell in front of his eyes, distracting me as it seemed to glow when light shine upon it. Now that I am looking at him up close, he was alluring. Rosalie was still better, but there's something about him that makes me want to grab his face and turn it towards me.

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