Chapter 5

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For the next two days, I hung around in my house. Mostly I stayed in my room with windows locked shut, not that it will stop Alice from breaking inside. It still gave me a false sense of security.

Aelia let me stay at home, probably guilty for not picking up my call even though she was busy. Those two days, were the best I had so far. No animated Mike, no jealous Jessica, no tripping Bella, no scornful gazes of Lauren and no vampires.

Definitely the peaceful days so far.

On Friday, Bella visited me in the evening. We relaxed on my bed, with a bag of chips in the middle of us, while I left the dinner to slowly cooks in the oven.

"Nyra, you're coming tomorrow?" Bella asked, and I looked at her in confusion. She seemed extra gloomy today, making me wonder what happened.

"Where?" I asked as I pulled out a chip.

"To La Push. The trip."

"Ooohhhh," I remembered about the Mike's trip. "Yeah, I'll be coming."

Bella nodded with a sigh as she nibble on a chip.

After a while of trying to predict about what weather tomorrow could be, we heard the ting of the oven indicating the dinner was ready. Bella jumped off my bed, suddenly realising that she was late and Charlie might be waiting for dinner too.

I laughed as she rushes toward her house.

Dinner with Aelia was as usual, we shared to each other about our days - well, my day and her previous night. She was happy that I was finally going out somewhere with my friends after a long time. She was doubtful at first, whether to let me go or not, but as soon as I mentioned about Bella would be going too. She instantly agreed. Since, Bella was a chief's daughter.

The next day, loud knocking on my door woke me up from a dream I forgot. I went down to find an enthusiastic Bella.

"The sun is out!" She exclaimed happily as I looked at the sky. And sure enough, there was the sun, shining proudly from the large patch of blue sky.

Bella waited downstairs while I freshen up and change, then we drove to Mike's store that was just the north of the town. Bella parked next to Mike's and Tyler's vehicles, outside The Newton's Olympic Outfitters store. It was my first time at the store, as I've never been in this part of the town. Guess, I need a vehicle for myself.

We stepped outside the truck, and started our way to the group standing infront of Mike's Suburban. As we neared them, I realised Bella was partially hiding behind me. I turned to look at her, when she didn't meet my eyes, I looked back ahead eyes searching for the source of her discomfort.

I noticed Lauren and two other girls' shooting dirty looks past me, those glares quick shifted at me once I fully stepped infront of Bella. Meeting their glares with my own.

Other than those idiots, everyone seems happy to see us. Mike was delighted.

"You two came! And I said it would be sunny today, didn't I Bella?" He said with a grin.

"I told you I was coming." Bella remained him while I only smiled, Mike blushed.

When will his little crush go?

"How are you now?" He asked me.

"I'm okay now. Thanks for asking." I told him with a smile.

"We're just waiting for Lee and Samantha... unless you invited someone." He directed the last part to Bella.

"Nope." Bella said lightly. Though, I could tell she was lying. Mike looked satisfied.

"Will you two ride in my car? It's that or Lee's mom's minivan?"

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