Ch. 28: Hospital Blues, Pt. 1

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Matt's POV

"HAVE YOU TWO LOST YOUR GODDAMNED MIND!!!" I roared angrily as I sat in the hospital bed while glaring down at Kylie and Crystal, my parents standing at either side of me while the witch-coven drag queens were at the far end of the large hospital room with Ariana leading the group. I was recovering from a mental attack while feeling my mate's distress and danger levels after I had passed out while at diving practice with the team when I learned what had happened to Thierry. And as soon as I felt him go unconscious from the stab wound, I immediately blacked out and ended up in the hospital room with my now-unconscious mate in a separate yet heavily-guarded room not far from where I was. And when Mom and Dad told me what these two whores did to my mate, I was beyond pissed off.

I was ready to slaughter them and leave their bodies to the were-carrion (vulture shifters) on the outskirts of town.

And no one would blame me if I wanted to end their lives right then and there because they felt the same indignation against the girls as I was.

"Thierry is fighting for his life," my mother said tersely, her eyes glowing bright fold to show off her current Luna status as her wolf was ready to fight. "You two are trying to tell my son that you rather commit treason than submit yourselves to a well-deserved future Luna who has more poise than you'll ever have."

"We have no regrets," Crystal said flippantly. "We did what we had to do- show Matt that Lemieux cannot and should not be deserved to be mated to the supernatural, even though times are indeed changing. Matt needs a strong female wolf like Kylie and myself to provide him with a proper and undefiled lineage that can last a lifetime. That skinny little nobody ought to have been horse-whipped and boiled in oil and all who became friends with him ought to know better."

"Watch it, bitch," Sagittarina snarled, her water-fey powers ready to create a raging whirlpool. "That's our ward you're talking about."

"So what?" Kylie spat, rolling her eyes. "Mr. and Mrs. Rosseaux-Yanez, we-"

"It's 'Alpha and Luna' to you, whores," Dad growled, eyes lit bright red as he let his canines sharpen into fangs. "And you two do not deserve to be given the title of 'Lunas' even if you were the last available women on earth to be considered for courtship."

"Excuse us?!" Crystal scoffed. "We're unfiltered she-wolves who can provide children for your son. We come from upstanding families who have served yours for eons. We're pretty, well-connected, and can give your son future pups that have the potential of being Alphas or Beta warriors."

Now it was Ariana Vivacious' turn to speak, a steely glare framing her flawlessly made-up face as she stepped forward after polishing off a bottle of water. My eyes widened as did my parents, the three of us knowing that when the leader of the witch coven was drinking some water or champagne, she was getting ready to go off and take down any haters (homophobes, racists, bigots, or rogue hunters with narrow-minded and extremist-themed values) with her words. She turned to a newly-arrived Shania (Thierry's designated guard). "Any updates on Thierry?" she asked.

"He's stable for the moment, but will need to stay for a few nights," the Gamma warrior replied, already knowing that Ariana was going to be reading the she-wolves for filth. To me, "I just learned that Thierry's parents and uncle are on their way to Sammons Falls, Alpha. They'll be arriving at Logan International in less than an hour."

"I'll have a limo pick them up," Ariana said. "Electrique, make sure that Thierry's parents and uncle come straight to the hospital. I have some choice words for them after I deal with these gutter-sluts that come straight from a poorly-produced Playboy porn video!"

Electrique nodded, fighting a smirk. "I'll be at the airport to greet them myself," was all she said before she took her leave with Summertyme and Sagittarina following behind her.

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