Ch. 13: Good Boys Need to Calm Down

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Thierry's POV


The lights from the rising sun come to greet me as I slowly wake up, my head throbbing slightly from being too partied out from last night. How I wished I could snuggle back into the bed for...





Then I suddenly remembered, while still lost in the haze of slumber, that today was now Saturday and I could truly savor the day of sleeping in and letting myself be lost in this blessed warmth of the cocoon of blankets and skin touching my bare skin. I inhaled deeply, my nostrils taking in the smells of maple-wood, musk, and apple as strong arms wrap around my bare torso while-

Cut the record scratch and stop the presses.

Strong arms wrapping around my torso?

Me being without clothes?

Trapped in a cocoon of musk and manhood?

My eyes flew open as I peered over the bedsheets I soon realized that I was back at my dorm, just not in my bedroom.

And I slowly sit up to find that I was indeed in the same bedroom of none other than Matthieux Rosseaux-Yanez...

Who was wide awake with a dreamy look on his wolfed-out (wait, what?!) face with eyes now red as stoplights and fangs peeking from his grin...

As we were indeed naked...

And my clothes were neatly folded on his dresser and my shoes near his desk.

"Morning, my beautiful mate," Matt growled behind me. "Sleep well?"

I gulped, sliding out of the bed briefly before I was yanked back into the bed and the now-wolfing out teenager hovering over me, his throbbing cock ready to be released from sexual frustration. “What the actual hell?!" I exclaimed, averting my gaze from my roommate's nakedness. "Matt, this is-"

"This is very real, my beautiful mate," Matt growled, smirking as his face returned to normal. "You see, you're very lucky that your blasted family has sent you to this school. You're lucky to have attended last night's party so I can make my claim on you and make you my perfect mate. You, Thierry Lemieux, are my destined soulmate and future Luna of the Sammons Falls werewolf pack."

Holy Mother of God, I fell into the world of that blasted werewolf and supernatural shows. And I was Bella Swan from The Twilight Saga series, Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries, and Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I moaned, trying to sit up but being kept in place by the naked roommate in front of me. "I think that I'm actually going to be sick out of my goddamned mind."

"Poor baby," Matt teased, letting me sit up so I can head out of my bed to grab my clothes. "Don't get dressed just yet, though. I want to take in the moment of you and I being naked in front of each other."

My God.

I faced the mirror, my eyes widening to see the love bites on my shoulder blades and a glaring bite mark on my neck. "What did you do to me?" I asked in a panicked tone. "What the heck did you do to my neck?"

Matt grinned. "I marked you with my mating bites and marks," he said happily. "And I made sure that all the other Alphas here at this school-"

"Wait, WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "You mean, there's more of you?"

He nodded. "Legions of Alpha supernaturals across the globe, but there are students here who are taking classes in being future Alphas of their respective covens and packs," he replied. "We also got Betas, Gammas, future warriors, and even Omegas. Though the Omegas are mainly here to get their education in homemaking and various art majors. There are some humans here, but they're like you- clueless of what's going on under their noses until an Alpha claims him or her as one's rightful mate. And I've claimed mine."

"And your mother and-"

"She's the current Luna and headmistress of this school, and a werewolf like me," Matt answered. "And before you even ask, the ladies of the Red Rose are witches and they know that you are mine."

Now that was a kick in the gut that I wasn't expecting, though I do admit that Matt was now looking like a sex god on legs now that he and I are now seeing each other naked. A nice athletic frame complete with defined abs, powerful legs, a sturdy chest, and masculine arms that weren't too big.

His caramel skin was flawless from head to toe, making me feel more self-conscious about my lanky frame though I did notice that I was slightly bigger and I had some abs.

"Hey, hey," Matt scolded me as he came to my side and we both faced the mirror. "Never think that you're inferior to me, mate. You are meant to be mine and mine alone. The day that your blasted witch of a mother and her harlot daughters dropped you off was when I knew that something special was in the air. And when I saw you when Mom introduced us, I was instantly bewitched by your demure yet tantalizing beauty. I want to make sure that you are loved beyond comparison."

He turned me around so we were face to face. "I, Matthieux Antoine Rosseaux-Yanez, fully accept you, Thierry Lemieux, as my rightful mate and future Luna," he said, placing a kiss on my lips. "I vow unto you, under the watchful eyes of the Moon Goddess and her Siblings, to make you my mate and lifelong spouse as we reign our pack with promise. I promise to love and cherish you until we take our final breaths and join others as stars in the skies."

I shuddered as I felt my erection grow bigger while Matt continued to place butterfly kisses up and down my neck.

Unfortunately, Matt felt it and smiled. "Goddess, you're such a fucking tease," he purred seductively, getting on his knees. "You're bringing me breakfast in bed and it's almost lunchtime. I can't get enough of you, mate. And soon, you won't get enough of me.

"Matt, I-NGH!!!"

The next few minutes were spent with me stifling to keep my groans silent as Matt Rosseaux-Yanez gave me the best blowjob of my life.

So, my roommate was a future Alpha werewolf and I'm his mate.

And I'm attending a school full of supernatural beings that are part of a large community.

And my family has no idea of what's going on.

And I'm not dreaming of this moment right now, and this was VERY REAL!

I only have one thing to say: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! I'm going to KILL MY FAMILY for this!

Ladies and gentlemen, the story has OFFICIALLY begun! This isn't your usual Red Riding Hood of a love story between a human and a werewolf! And all I can tell you guys is that Thierry's life will begin turning upside down and inside out! Get ready!

The next chapter is when Thierry's family catches wind of what happened and their reactions are...well, you'll find out soon!

Song: none. Dedication: ESaraithewriter and authortiftowers


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