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As promised an epilogue . Enjoy

1 year Later - December

"And did you know that on Christmas daddy let's us eat chocolate. But mummy lets us eat it anyway just don't tell daddy" she whispered the last part to Edas rounded Stomach.

They were laying in bed, Kiraz between them in her unicorn pyjamas. Serkan grabbed her playfully
"So mummy lets you eat chocolate huh?" He tickled her as she giggled.

"Daddy you weren't supposed to hear that" she laughed uncontrollably as Eda watched.

"You are going to be the best big sister" Eda stroked her cheek.

"And daddy will be out numbered" Kiraz smiled putting her hand back oto where her unborn sister was.

"Yes and I thought two Edas were going to make me crazy I'm now going to have three" he poured playfully.

"Hmm is that so Serkan" she tilted her head with a raised eyebrow at him

"Absolutely undeniably crazy...in love . With you" he kissed Eda

"You..." he kissed Kiraz

"And you" he kissed her belly feeling her move.

"And we are crazy in love with you. No matter how much they look like me they will always be like their daddy" Eda cupped Serkans cheek

"Loving, thoughtful, charismatic and hearts so full of love. You are the best thing besides our daughters that happened to me" She kissed him softly.

"Me too love with you".

Christmas Eve came, they had a busy day seeing family, eating plenty of chocolate and doing everything Christmassy aswell as ensuring they had everything ready for when the new arrival comes. Little did they know it would be so soon.

"Serkan!" Eda breathed pushing his shoulder to wake up to receive a grumble

"SERKAN!" She shouted louder this time receiving her husband jolting up in a panic eyes squinting.

"What's wrong? What's happened?" He looked around to find Edas face scrunched and holding her stomach.

"It's time!" She moaned feeling another contraction.

"Okay let's go, I'll tell melo to watch Kiraz"

At the hospital Serkan was just as bad as when Kiraz was being born flustering around and panicking.

Breathing through the pain Eda grabbed Serkan hand

"Stop Panicking! This is the second time we've done this Serkan now calm down. Your making me worst" she told him before he calmed down.

It took all of four painful hours before a small bundle with dark hair released a little high pitched cry.

Tears formed in serkans eyes as he brushed the dark brown hair away from their daughters little face.

"She's beautiful..." he whispered kissing Eda

"I love you" Eda kissed his lips then kissed her daughters soft hair.

Once they were cleaned up Serkan opened the door to a very excited Kiraz who wore a "big sister" T-shirt holding one of her teddies in her hand.

"Come baby" Eda motioned her to come sit on the bed with them.

"She's so tiny mummy" she whispered looking at her little sister.

Little eyes looked around the room at her new family, reaching with her little hands at Kiraz who gave her her finger to hold.

"I'm going to always play with you" she kissed her cheek.

Serkan and Edas hearts warmed at the sight.

"Mummy,Daddy. What's her name?" Kiraz asked.

They smiled at Each other "Kiraz, this is Rüya"

Last year they had the miracle of Eda regaining her memory and a year later received in even better miracle.
One love,One beautiful family. Christmas would always be special to them.


And so it ends here. It turned out a little different in my head but putting it down was harder than expected. But I hope you have all enjoyed. I'm going to drop a new story soon if I don't finish my first. But once again Thankyou and love to all


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