Christmas Miracle

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Sorry I disappeared for a few days I've been super ill! Joys of the Christmas flu. And I had no effort to write this but I'm feeling much better. As we are nearing the end I just want to say Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou for all your comments and votes! You are all absolute stars!! So there will be some over 🔞🔞 parts in this but I will put this 🔞 before and after so if you feel uncomfortable you can skip. Anyway here's to the next chapter🥂 enjoy


Soft music played as they swayed together under the watchful eyes of family and friends, their eyes locking as they moved to the music. Serkans hand brushed a stray hair away from Edas face and tucked it behind her ear before she placed her head on his chest.
The room was covered in white petals illuminated only by candles which trailed from corner to corner. At the end stops Serkan in an all black suit , as handsome as ever. She moved towards him eyes starting to well with happiness as he took her hand in his.

"Serkan, what is all of this?" She smiled form ear to ear as did he.

"Eda from the first moment I saw you I couldn't imagine being without you. Your smile, your beauty, your heart and everything that comes with you I fell in love with. You are the reason I am the man I am now, full of life and wanting to spend every day of it with you. But not as my girlfriend" Serkan kneeled infront of her
"But as my wife. My fairy girl, you have captured my heart in ways I didn't know possible. And to be able to see you every morning I wake up and every night I go to sleep will be the best life I could image.
Eda Yildiz , will you become Mrs Bolat and marry me?"

She jumped into his arms before he could even finish tears falling from her with happiness as she repeated "yes" over and over again.


The wedding, more beautiful than imagine. Serkan dressed in a three piece suit and Eda in a long white dress that hugged her body perfectly. Together they danced again with their family and friends watching but this time the rings on their hands and the smiles on their faces showed that no longer were they individuals but one.

"I love you Eda Bolat" Serkans nose rubbed against hers eyes half closed.

"I love you Serkan Bolat" she whispered back as her fingers brushed through his hair on the back of his neck.


Body frozen with a stick in her hand, hand slowly moving to her mouth in shock as she stood in the door way of their bathroom looking at Serkan who sat on the bed.

"Eda?" He repeated.

"I' pregnant" she managed to say.

Frozen also for a moment Serkans mouth dropped before a smile crept their instead.

"Your...we're" he motioned between them.

She nodded as she smiled.

Within seconds Serkan wrapped his arms around her and lifted her spinning before coming down.

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